• But ideology is also a stubborn thing, and when a group is as blatantly driven by ideology as are PSEHE and the Park Foundation, factors like facts and reality are just inconvenient obstacles to be ignored.

    FORBES: PSEHE: Where Ideology Trumps Reality

  • Conservatives must be conservative, but we must also recognize that conservatism is not an ideology, but a way of approaching the world, the chief virtue of which is prudence.

    BBC: Viewpoint: Republicans at a crossroads

  • But the really amazing thing this is that both Krugman and the rioters are wrong, not just in their opinions and ideology, but also about basic facts.

    FORBES: English Riots, Faux Austerity, and Krugman's Fairy Tale

  • I've never felt exiled from Scotland, but she had to leave not only a country, but also a silencing ethos, an ideology.

    WSJ: The Novelists

  • Yet when we began to disagree, even quarrel, about the direction of the Public Interest, I told Irving, but also said that friendship is more important than ideology, which I still believe.

    ECONOMIST: At odds on climate change

  • America not only invented the modern liberal republic, but also a new sort of foreign policy founded on a universal ideology about human nature and human affairs.

    ECONOMIST: American foreign policy

  • Of course, the president and his liberal congressional colleagues resist cutting spending not only because they continue to believe in the Keynesian fairy tale of Uncle Stimulus and the Maynard Multipliers, but also because they remain committed to redistribution as the core of their kleptocratic collectivist ideology.

    FORBES: Memo To The President: We Can't Tax, Spend And Print Our Way To Prosperity

  • But the official also noted they simply may have been "inspired" by a militant ideology or may simply have been disgruntled persons aiming to carry out an attack, and had no connections to foreign groups.

    CNN: FBI agents interviewed bombing suspect in 2011

  • "But as it escalates it is also becoming a magnet for jihadists from other countries who share this poisonous ideology, " he added.

    BBC: David Cameron

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