• But if Dassault stays out, the combined entity could look unacceptably British in French eyes.

    ECONOMIST: European armaments

  • New Zealand were just under a second slower than the British in qualifying.

    BBC: Houvenaghel wins world team gold

  • Milton Obote, Prime Minister of Uganda since independence from the British in 1962, had been overthrown by his army commander.

    FORBES: Social Security Benefits: A Personal Story, Speech at Institutional Capitol Investing Forum. (September 1, 1999)

  • China may have had misgivings about Mr Tsang's closeness to the British in colonial days (he was awarded a knighthood).

    ECONOMIST: Hong Kong

  • The anglophone actors take centre stage rightly, perhaps, at first, given the pioneering role played by the British in China's history of humiliation.

    ECONOMIST: Why China has a long memory

  • The former will generate electricity from the runoff of the 25, 000 miles of irrigation canals mostly set up by the British in this agriculture belt.

    FORBES: Pakistan: Harnessing Sun, Water And Fossil Fuel

  • The Poles later focused on Germany's codes, and that work was used by the British in breaking German codes during World War II.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "Chitibanking" was used by the British in China, while the Chinese themselves, initially rice and tea traders, created their own "flying money, " a.k.a. fei ch'ien.

    FORBES: The Invisible Bankers

  • The Carolinas were invaded by the British in the Revolutionary war, and during one invasion the Brits stepped into a trap that the Americans set.

    FORBES: When New Orleans Becomes the Pelicans, Charlotte Should not Revert Back to Hornets name

  • After independence from the British in 1947, India outlawed what was an age-old practice of untouchability of low-caste Hindus by those seen as superior by birth.

    CNN: India's 'untouchables' declare own religion

  • The India Pale Ale is a style that was developed by the British in the 19th century, maxed-out on hops to help for the long voyages to India.

    FORBES: Big Hops Through a Few Colorado Brewpubs: Denver

  • What many people do not realise is that even though Stalin let the Poles go, the Russians provided no assistance for them to get to the British in Syria (mainly).

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Walking the talk?

  • Its maritime significance seeped away once Sri Lanka was ceded to the British in 1796, but the fort today, comprising 36 seafront hectares, remains part of a living, working city.

    BBC: Sri Lanka��s architectural treasures

  • American exceptionalism - and this illuminates his point about, well, I believe in American exceptionalism the way the British believe in British exceptionalism or the Germans believe in German exceptionalism.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Monica Crowley, Mightier Pen 2012

  • Some say that the Iranians acted against the British in the hope that Britain would respond by abandoning its alliance with the US and swiftly pulling its forces out of Iraq.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Condi's embrace of jihadist 'peace'

  • Sharma says Gandhi pointed out that all castes of Hindus had been treated as untouchable by the British in India, who would post signs outside their clubs saying "Dogs and Indians not allowed".

    BBC: How religions change their mind

  • With talented people, skilled leaders, plenty of time, and the right kind of expensive training, forces can become very good at it--witness the British in the Falklands, or the Americans in Desert Storm.

    ECONOMIST: Reinventing warfare

  • Jamaica was once the "it" spot for jet-setting Americans and British in the 1950s, only to follow Cuba down its revolutionary road in the '70s and now starting to break out of its resorts-behind-security-walls status.

    BBC: This is Caribbean week

  • It was only after independence from the British in 1947 that adult education instilled itself on a national level in India as a domain that was in need of collective help, restructuring, and positive change.

    UNESCO: Reading for a Billion: Same Language Subtitling

  • Before that, the new-born United States of America waited for ten years for the White House and the Capitol to be built, only to see both destoyed by the British in the war of 1812.

    ECONOMIST: The pros and cons of capital flight

  • After Ireland became free from the British in 1922 (when the War of Independence resulted in the declaration of the Irish Free State), the government, with the support of the Catholic Church, passed the Censorship of Film Act.

    BBC: The evolution of Irish cinema

  • In the weeks leading up to Monday's vote, described by Odinga as the most consequential since independence from the British in 1963, peace activists and clerics worked to ensure the election would be peaceful despite lingering tensions.

    NPR: Kenya Vote Sees Long Lines; Attacks Kill 12

  • He has used his calm skills to tread a careful line on such controversial issues as the EU Rapid Reaction Force and British participation in National Missile Defence, as well as overseeing British forces in military action in Afghanistan.

    BBC: Geoff Hoon

  • His grandfather, he says, was a host of the country's reformist leader, King Amanullah Khan, after it gained independence from the British in 1919, and imported fuel, cooking oil, foods, technical equipment and construction materials from Iran and the Soviet Union.

    FORBES: Lord of the Skies

  • And while only 4, 000 self-described Macanese now remain among a population of 450, 000, the racial mixing that distinguished the Portuguese in their empire from, say, the British in theirs has bequeathed the onetime colony an air of acceptance, and of variousness.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Visions of China: Macau

  • "I take Mr Cameron's letter - after his decision not to join the treaty - as a sign that he doesn't want to get left behind and I'm delighted by that, because we need the British in Europe... perhaps not always!"

    BBC: EU fiscal summit: Hope comes to the eurozone

  • Mumbai has numerous museums and cultural sites, such as the Elephanta caves, which house ancient Hindu sculptures, and Victoria Terminus (Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus), an iconic train station built by the British in 1888 to celebrate Queen Victoria's 50-year reign on the throne.

    CNN: Mumbai: India's financial, cultural hub

  • Then, to peruse the city's colonial past (it fell to the British in 1815) ramble the lanes of the British Garrison Cemetery, whose deaths, detailed on carved Victorian headstones and including sun stroke, jungle fever and rampaging elephants, paint a fascinating picture of colonial perils.

    BBC: Sri Lanka��s architectural treasures

  • What strikes the author most is the uncertainty and flux of their lives as they and their circle improvised their way through the confusion of French, Spanish and British jurisdictions in the West Indies and America, and through the creeping, morphing status of the British in India.

    ECONOMIST: Retracing the steps of one 18th-century Scottish family

  • The few men that he still controlled were encamped at several different bases around the city, but his real power emanated from the Bala Hissar, or Castle Greyskull as we called it, a massive fortification built by the British in the nineteenth century in the middle of Gardez.

    NPR: Sergeant Notes Odd Rituals of War in Afghanistan

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