• The problem is that in Brazil the law effectively divides drugs into three classes.

    FORBES: Internet Drugs

  • She started her professional life with IBM, and she began her career as an attorney in Brazil practicing commercial law.

    FORBES: Ana Dutra - Leadership Revolution - Archive

  • Although Brazil has a law against torture - with prison sentences for offenders - the report said that in practice this is never applied.

    BBC: UN condemns Brazil prison 'torture'

  • This is what I tell my mother in law in Brazil every year.

    FORBES: Last Year For Santa

  • Discrimination against gays moved one step closer to being against the law in Brazil, paving the way for legal marriages between gay couples.

    FORBES: Brazil Close To Outlawing Discrimination Against Gays

  • In November, the retailer said in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that it was looking into potential U.S. bribery law violations in Brazil, China and India.

    NPR: Wal-Mart Says Loss Likely From Bribery Probe

  • An engineer for a major U.S. automaker, speaking only on condition of anonymity for fear of losing his job, said he has watched for years as his company failed to implement more advanced safety features in Brazil, simply because the law did not require them.

    NPR: AP IMPACT: Cars Made In Brazil Are Deadly

  • Brazil's draft national REDD law also states that indigenous people own the forest carbon of their reserves.

    ECONOMIST: Will REDD trample on the rights of traditional forest folk?

  • In 1998, Brazil's Congress approved a law allowing the air force to shoot down planes that enter Brazilian air space illegally.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia and its neighbours

  • Compared with Russia, China and even India, Brazil more clearly enjoys the rule of law.


  • Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has vetoed part of a law intended to share royalties from Brazil's oil fields across the country's 26 states.

    BBC: Rousseff vetoes part of Brazil oil royalty plan

  • As sports minister in 1995-98, Pele, Brazil's greatest footballer, proposed a law to subject football clubs to company law, which would have forced them to publish proper accounts.

    ECONOMIST: Football in Brazil

  • Brazil's legal system derives from Roman law, in which judges generally base their decisions less on the precedents set by their predecessors and more on their understanding of a written code.

    ECONOMIST: The price of justice | The

  • Brazil did, in fact, enact a preservation law as far back as 1938, ironically at the prodding of the country's modernist movement of architects and writers, who secured the listing of half a dozen entire towns as preservation areas.

    ECONOMIST: Brazilian cities

  • The supporter of a law that could classify homosexualism as a disease in Brazil, Malafaia is also a prominent figure on Twitter, where he is followed by more than 440, 000 users.

    FORBES: The Richest Pastors In Brazil

  • Yet it may take a less improvised tax system, as well as proof that the Fiscal Responsibility Law really does bite, to persuade investors that Brazil has finally given up its profligate old ways.

    ECONOMIST: Progress and pitfalls in Brazil��s public finances

  • The video is part of the series on discussions and perspectives for the institutionalization of the Law 10, 639 of 2003 , developed for the Brazil-Africa: Crossed Histories Crossed Programme, has the objective to disseminate the contributions carried through by UNESCO to implement and to institutionalize the Law 10, 639, of 2003.

    UNESCO: Education

  • But David Zylbersztajn, Brazil's oil-industry regulator (and son-in-law of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso), says that complete privatisation looks politically impossible before Mr Cardoso's mandate ends in January 2003.

    ECONOMIST: Petrobras

  • The president, Dilma Rousseff, is using a freedom-of-information law passed last month, originally aimed at uncovering atrocities under Brazil's military dictatorship, to expose the fat salaries of politicians and bureaucrats.

    ECONOMIST: How the bureaucrats rob the taxpayers

  • Despite his own sympathy for the left, Brazil's leader has calmed business with his respect for the rule of law, his fiscal discipline and his success in combating inflation (halved to 6% in three years).

    FORBES: Stepping South Of The Border

  • Brazil has countered by seeking a judgment on a clause in America's patent law which lets it demand that products invented with the help of government aid be made in America.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil: Trade beefs | The

  • The law would also allow for people to sue for gay slurs posted on line in Brazil.

    FORBES: Brazil Close To Outlawing Discrimination Against Gays

  • Greenpeace's Indradi says Brazil's strong point has been to implement better forest governance, backed up with good monitoring and serious law enforcement.

    CNN: Brazil vote sparks fears for future of rainforest

  • Both Bill Singer, shareholder at Stark and Stark law firm, and Greg Ghodsi, head of the 360 Wealth Management Group at Raymond James, see Brazil as a hot area for investing next year.

    FORBES: Investments For 2010

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