• In the past, Vietnam and the United States were bound together by the war to contain international communism.


  • In addition, the majority of all other passengers on United States-bound international flights will go through random threat-based enhanced screening.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing on Security Review

  • The current directive requires airlines to pat down all passengers boarding planes bound for the United States and inspect their carry-on bags.

    CNN: TSA extends expanded airline security

  • The current security directive requires airlines to physically pat down all passengers boarding planes bound for the United States and inspect their carry-on bags.

    CNN: TSA maintains high security at airports

  • Goods from the south bound for the United States must pass through the bottleneck of Mexico City, climbing to 2, 500 metres (8, 200 feet) above sea level.

    ECONOMIST: All roads lead to Mexico City

  • Now, DHS, as you know, uses the lists as the cornerstone of our efforts to prevent suspected terrorists from boarding airplanes bound for the United States.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing on Security Review

  • The scanners will be permanent at Schiphol, and any passengers bound for the United States who do not go through them will be body-searched, ter Horst said.

    CNN: Dutch, Nigerians to use full body scans for air travelers

  • She reaffirmed the fact that all Secretariat staff owed loyalty to the Organization and were duty bound to serve Member States and the Governing Bodies wherever they worked.

    UNESCO: Paris, 11.12.2012

  • Boogaard was responding to an ABC report on Monday that said officials fear al Qaeda may soon try to explode aircraft bound for the United States with so-called body bombs.


  • The wire service said the investigation into its records appears related to an AP story about a thwarted terrorist plot in Yemen to bomb an airplane bound for the United States.


  • The story disclosed details of a CIA operation in Yemen that stopped an al-Qaida plot in the spring of 2012 to detonate a bomb on an airplane bound for the United States.

    WSJ: Gov't probe obtains wide swath of AP phone records

  • Last night and earlier today, our intelligence and law enforcement professionals, working with our friends and allies, identified two suspicious packages bound for the United States -- specifically, two places of Jewish worship in Chicago.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Statement on Security Alert

  • Last night and earlier today, our intelligence and law enforcement professionals, working with our friends and allies, identified two suspicious packages bound for the United States specifically, two places of Jewish worship in Chicago.

    FORBES: Obama On The Terrorist Threat

  • Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has not tried to launch an attack on a target in the West since its abortive attempt to bring down cargo planes bound for the United States more than two years ago, so the campaign does appear to have suppressed the group's abilities to attack overseas.

    CNN: John Brennan, Obama's drone warrior

  • The United States and the United Kingdom historically steadfast allies in earlier world conflicts together with our other democratic allies, today face the global threat posed by Islamofascism on two fronts, both from outside forces and homegrown terror, as we were once again starkly reminded in the foiled plot to bring down ten airliners bound for the United States from Heathrow in August of this year.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Policing in an Age of Terror: Prevention is Best

  • Article VI of the Constitution requires that all Senators, Representatives, Members of the State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers of the United States and the States shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution.

    CNN: Sen. Allard's closed-door impeachment statement

  • In case we forget, Russia is now bordered by several countries that the United States is treaty-bound to defend, countries that, from a military standpoint, are just as dear to us as American soil.

    FORBES: The 'Putin Doctrine' And The Real Reason For Russian-American Conflict

  • The World Conference on Human Rights reaffirms that States are duty-bound, as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and in other international human rights instruments, to ensure that education is aimed at strengthening the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

    UNESCO: Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action

  • Alexandria Carr, a former UK Treasury lawyer now at law firm Mayer Brown, said those 11 countries moving ahead under so-called "enhanced co-operation" are legally bound to respect the rights of member states that do not participate.

    CNN: US banks warn over planned EU 'Tobin tax'

  • The federal government mandates that hospitals keep patient privacy sacred under the 1996 Health Information and Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA. But doctors and hospitals are bound by law in some cities and states to report every gun-violence incident.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The United States has never before considered itself bound by international law to accept as its treaty partner the successor to an extinct State.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Senate testimony of Douglas Feith and George Miron on ABM treaties and international law

  • Even in countries with functioning states, some of the money is bound to be stolen.

    ECONOMIST: Forests and how to save them

  • So, today I want us to remember - the United States and Mexico are not simply neighbors, bound by geography and history.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Celebrates Cinco de Mayo

  • The attacks on New York and Washington seem bound to encourage some people to call for the United States to draw back from its extensive military commitments around the world, to reduce its links to multilateral institutions, and to concentrate on its own narrowly defined interests and security.

    ECONOMIST: America's place in the world

  • His music has bound us together and captured our imagination, and the United States proudly honors this prolific cellist and ambassador for the arts.

    WHITEHOUSE: 2010 Presidential Medal of Freedom Ceremony

  • Both are bound under a 1995 UN convention to agree fish catches with relevant states.

    ECONOMIST: Mackerel wars: Overfished and over there | The

  • Indeed, fully one-fifth of the states that are party to LOST have refused to be bound by the Agreement.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Protect US sovereignty: Sink the Law of the Sea

  • In October 2010, al-Awlaki was involved with a new attempt by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to blow up U.S.-bound aircraft by inserting explosive devices in printer cartridges destined for the United States.


  • The US Open champion was among five people who were killed when his Learjet, bound for Dallas from Orlando, flew uncontrolled over part of the United States for several hours before crashing in South Dakota.

    BBC: Stewart's name withdrawn

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