Build a bottom-up financial model to deeply understand the key metrics of your business.
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The first are those you collect daily from your own customers, which we call bottom-up scores.
The history of this country has been a middle class-out economics, a bottom-up economics.
The health care revolution will be both bottom-up (consumer led) and top-down (provider led).
Kelleher calls him a "bottom-up thinker, " which for Kelleher is almost a light knock.
Instead, investors should take a more holistic approach, mixing bottom-up insights with top-down analysis.
Jim felt this bottom-up approach was the best way to generate novel and exciting story ideas.
This is genuine, bottom-up growth, not the boom-and-bust kind that used to characterise the West.
These two mindsets reflect fundamentally polar methods of value generation: bottom-up creation versus top-down optimization.
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Rather, an ABM uses a bottom-up approach which assigns particular behavioural rules to each agent.
Although an immensely strong leader, Michaels believes in a bottom-up approach to generating ideas and writing stories.
Maybe this is the libertarian in me, but I really want education to remain bottom-up and local.
The chasm between bottom-up state-building and the top-down negotiations in America or Egypt looks wider than ever.
Germany is groping for a mix of top-down direction-setting and bottom-up buy-in for its Energiewende to work.
Since their emergence around 10, 000 years ago, cities have always been the outcome of a collaborative, bottom-up process.
And it really ended up creating the kind of bottom-up movement that allowed us to do very well.
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The first axis looks at how leaders exercise their power, from centralized and top-down to decentralized and bottom-up.
Zittrain warned that the success of the proprietary iPhone threatened to undermine the decentralized, bottom-up structure of the Internet.
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Embrace this new bottom-up consumer approach to decision-making by inserting friend likes, photos, and comments right on your website.
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Or bottom-up, authentically, naturally and organically, through our own decision making and handiwork?
With a few hundred delegates, it was a bottom-up festival produced by the tech community, for the tech community.
Certainly unions have their share of pathologies and institutional inertia, but they can be a force for bottom-up change.
"When you go international, you've got to have good bottom-up people, " says Jacobs.
There used to be interplay between top-down media and bottom-up media, with one seeking inspiration or interpretation from the other.
The fact is, as Kevin Drum notes, most systems are a mixture of top-down and bottom-up planning and competition.
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Over 80 percent of you are former Bottom-Up readers, and almost a third have been around since the pre-Bottom-Up days.
He agreed consultation was necessary to hear "bottom-up feedback from local people" but stressed that plans had to be determined "quickly".
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To facilitate links between local, regional and global levels, and harmonizing top-down and bottom-up approaches whilst taking into account social issues.
Landers, a bottom-up fundamental manager, says that the company still needs to spend billions to develop its offshore deepwater oil reserves.
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The United States, by contrast, has a decentralized, bottom-up entrepreneurial culture, which has historically had a strong orientation toward technological solutions.