• There was a kid bubble from 2006-08, with births jumping to more than 4.5 million, so those years are actually the birth-rate outliers.

    FORBES: Sporting Goods Stores Profit From Our Breeding

  • But the Christian population is falling in statistical terms partly because it has a much lower birth-rate than the Muslim population around it.

    BBC: Syria war fuels Christian flight from Middle East

  • It's as if the desire to keep these babies in a country with the lowest birth-rate in the world, was just too much for these baby-starved women.

    BBC: Rwanda's tug-of-war children

  • There is concern over Italy's birth rate - the lowest in Europe - and the economic implications of an ageing population.

    BBC: Italy profile

  • More than 60% of the Saudis are under 25, and the birth rate--37 births for every 1, 000 people--is among the highest in the world.

    CNN: Do We Still Need the Saudis?

  • The shortage of places in primary schools reflects a growth in the birth rate - with some areas facing an increase of 25% or above in the primary school population.

    BBC: Education & Family

  • Dr Mohamed Taranissi is director of the Assisted Reproduction and Gynaecological Centre in London - which has a live birth rate, as opposed to pregnancy rate of 40% - compared with a national average of 17 to 19%.

    BBC: IVF 'fastest way to get pregnant'

  • He warned about the catastrophic out-of-wedlock birth rate for blacks, which was at that time less than 25%.

    CNN: Reduce poverty by promoting schools, families

  • In the past decade, the birth rate among Ethiopian-Israelis has declined by at least 20 percent.

    FORBES: Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims

  • The U.S. also has the highest teenage birth rate of any industrialized country -- and teenage mothers in the U.S. tend to have less education, prenatal care, and financial resources than their older counterparts.

    CNN: Best place in the world to be a mother is...

  • Compared to the analagous January-July period of 2011, the birth rate increased by 6.7%, the death rate decreased by 2.9%, and the rate of natural population loss plummeted by 60% (from 138, 000 in 2011 to just 57, 000 in 2012).

    FORBES: Russia is on Track to Record Natural Population Growth in 2012

  • The national rate is 45-47%, including the underemployed and, because of the high birth rate, the workforce is growing by 240, 000 a year.

    ECONOMIST: Iraq's election

  • In response, President Putin has mostly talked about attracting more ethnic Russians back from the other ex-Soviet states, and of boosting the birth rate.

    ECONOMIST: Immigrants in Russia: Market forces | The

  • In Japan, according to Ken Okamura, a strategist with Dresdner Kleinwort Benson, the birth rate has been so low that the working-age population will actually start to decline next year.

    ECONOMIST: What happens to pay if prices are static, or falling?

  • Taiwan's diplomatic isolation, low birth rate, and rapidly aging population are major long-term challenges.

    FORBES: Taiwan

  • And with a birth rate at just 14 per 1, 000 inhabitants--the lowest in South America--it's not getting any younger.

    FORBES: Montevideo: Unprepared

  • This was the fourth event - the start of a renewed collapse of the birth rate, perhaps its longest and fastest ever, only a year later, quite unlike the more sustained boom of the 1960s and completing a sequence of down, up and then down again in the space of a few years by magnitudes that make you wonder how midwives, hospitals, schools and others coped on this rollercoaster.

    BBC: Go Figure: When was the real baby boom?

  • Good health and a relatively low birth rate have made Sri Lanka the country with the third-oldest population in Asia after Japan and Singapore.

    ECONOMIST: Could still do better | The

  • The good news is that India's birth rate has dropped by more than half in 35 years - from 5.7 children per woman in the mid-1960s to 2.7 in 2010.

    BBC: Is India's population policy sexist?

  • The death rate among babies whose mothers planned - and did - give birth at home was lower than the average for all births taken together - including those in a hospital, midwife-led unit, as well as at home.

    BBC: Home birth to ward increases risk

  • "It's been a long time since we have had this rate of change -- it probably hasn't happened since the birth of personal computing 40 years ago, " he wrote.

    CNN: Google Reader shutting down on July 1

  • The NAO said the rising birth rate was related to a 6% increase in numbers of women of child-bearing years since 2003, plus older women who did not have babies in the 1990s having them in the 2000s.

    BBC: Education & Family

  • When the cohort born roughly in the years between 1993 and 2005 enters prime child-bearing years, there is going to be a pretty significant decline in the crude birth rate even if the total fertility rate (TFR) continues to move modestly higher.

    FORBES: Russia's Demographics Continue to Rapidly Improve

  • Fifteen years later, the birth rate was still high, and although many women came back to work in the nineteen-fifties, segregation by gender in employment was greater than it had been in 1900, and was more sharply delineated than segregation by race.

    NEWYORKER: Books as Bombs

  • The story with the birth rate is not quite as dramatic, but considering that Russia underwent a nasty recession in 2008-09 the fact that births did not decrease (as they did in most other East European countries) should be taken as a positive.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Countering this view has been left to Yuko Obuchi, 34-year-old daughter of another prime minister, who is in charge of reversing Japan's declining birth rate.

    ECONOMIST: Aso steps up to the plate; but perhaps not to stay very long

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