• It may welcome having a stronger rival to Boeing and other big American prime contractors on the largest defence projects.

    ECONOMIST: EADS and BAE Systems

  • Elsewhere, the Labour Party made big gains over Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservatives in local elections held Thursday.

    CNN: Johnson wins second term as London's mayor

  • Unlike other European countries, it has a big non-prime mortgage market too.

    ECONOMIST: The global economy

  • Until recently, the big sub-prime lenders had barely ventured outside America.

    ECONOMIST: Fishing downmarket

  • The big problem for the prime minister is the economy still struggling to pull out of recession.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • As for weight, the TF300 is heavier than the 1.29-pound Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 and its big brother, the Prime.

    ENGADGET: ASUS Transformer Pad TF300 review

  • It was a big victory for the prime minister, who showed he had the courage to stand up to bullying, though he will lose when the matter goes to the upper house.

    ECONOMIST: India

  • It is possible that some time next autumn a couple of big banks will announce big losses in their prime-brokerage and proprietary-trading businesses and if this were to raise their cost of funding substantially, it could begin to be a crisis.

    ECONOMIST: Buttonwood

  • His critics hint that Mr Bildt would rather have a big international job than be prime minister, a charge his friends reject.

    ECONOMIST: Sweden

  • It is a big gamble by the Greek prime minister.

    BBC: Greek PM's big gamble on eurozone deal referendum

  • Cabinet ministers must clear all their big speeches and news releases with prime-ministerial staff.

    ECONOMIST: Canada

  • And the big three networks turned instead to prime-time news specials on the storm, with only fleeting political segments.

    NPR: Stormy Weather Might Just Help This GOP Ticket

  • Microsoft is showcasing its big Christmas releases early at two prime locations.

    FORBES: Why Video Games Rule San Diego Comic-Con

  • It is a big issue -- and the prime minister knows it.

    CNN: Mahathir's Worldly Concerns

  • Rather, Viacom has significant television assets that include the CBS network, which is pulling in big audiences with some of its prime-time shows like Everybody Loves Raymond and Survivor.

    FORBES: The Overachievers: Viacom's Clear Signal

  • The Prime Minister's Big Society Awards are presented to groups of individuals that make a valuable contribution to their community and inspire others to contribute to their local area.

    BBC: Community kitchen gains PM's Big Society Award

  • It's prime time for another big Blackburn outing.

    WSJ: Different Number, Same Chase Blackburn for the New York Giants

  • When a government (like the present one) has a big majority, and when a prime minister (like the present one) is not interested in the Commons, the life of a backbencher can become mind-numbingly dull.

    ECONOMIST: Peer pressure

  • From the big players like Samsung and the prime minister of Thailand to the rising stars like our cover subject, Jack Ma (an early discovery of FORBES'), Japan's 35-year-old billionaire Yusaku Maezawa and Indian coffee magnate V.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It is a charge that resonates beyond romantics who recall the post-war golden age of cabinet government when Whitehall was a collection of ministerial baronies, each run by a big beast and overseen by a prime minister who was merely primus inter pares.

    ECONOMIST: Reform of the civil service

  • Since the double ballot encourages people to split their vote, backing a small party for the Knesset and the Labour or Likud candidate for prime minister, both big parties lost votes to smaller ones in the 1996 election, and are likely to lose even more next time.

    ECONOMIST: Israel

  • The prime question is just how big Twitter can get and how profitable.

    WSJ: Is Twitter Really Worth $10 Billion?

  • First, Abe is going to prime the pump in a big way.

    FORBES: Japan's New Stimulus: The Race With China To The Bottom

  • Lobbying from big accounting firms, that have been prime beneficiaries of Sarbanes-Oxley, is also likely to keep parts of the law in place.

    ECONOMIST: Reaction to Sarbanes-Oxley

  • Supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra, an exiled prime minister, held a big demonstration to mark the third anniversary of the coup which deposed him.

    ECONOMIST: Politics this week

  • Dharavi is on a prime location adjacent to a big nature park and a mile or so from the city's new Bandra-Kurla business district, as well as being near the airport.

    ECONOMIST: Light in the darkness

  • If the airline does finally crash, it will be a big blow to Greece's reforming prime minister, Costas Simitis: it has become a test-case in his campaign to reform his country's slovenly public sector.

    ECONOMIST: Greece

  • The fact that he was moved to another government post only three days before a big negotiating session shows that the Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Maria Aznar, did not expect anything from the meeting.

    BBC: Reshuffle sparks Gibraltar talks fears

  • War is one of the few spheres in which the prime minister can make the big decisions without having to consult, mollify, take account of, appease and generally defer to his ubiquitous chancellor of the exchequer.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • In order to get growth going by minimising delays to the awarding of big contracts of economic significance, the prime minister wants there to be fewer judicial reviews (there were 11, 200 judicial reviews last year, up from just 160 in 1975).

    BBC: Cameron: No more dotting of 'i��s'

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