• However, if America did become a majority of people who considered themselves Latino first, we may well see a country with problems similar to Sunnis and Shias in Iraq, or French Canadians in Canada or the Basque in Spain.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • Elections in the Basque region of Spain resulted in gains for the country's ruling centre-right party and for radical Basque nationalists.

    ECONOMIST: Moving on

  • The president of the Basque branch of Spain's governing Popular Party, Carlos Iturgaiz, said the announcement was "very disagreeable news".

    BBC: Politicians condemn separatists

  • The Hiriko Driving Mobility Group, based in the Basque region of Spain, visited the MIT lab in 2009, and leveraged some Spanish government funding to produce what became the Hiriko Fold.

    FORBES: From 'Jetsons' to Your Driveway: A Folding Car

  • The new study, of 5, 000-year-old bones from the Basque region of Spain, catches this evolutionary event in the act, finding that just 27% of individuals were then lactose tolerant, much lower than today.

    WSJ: Matt Ridley on Human Culture's Effect on Genes | Mind & Matter

  • Established in 2008 thanks to a generous endowment from the City of Bilbao (Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, Spain), the aim of the Prize is to recognize outstanding contributions made by organizations and individuals to the cause of human rights through their committed actions and leadership role in the areas of education, research and awareness-raising.


  • The three provinces that make up the Basque region in northern Spain already enjoy considerable self-government.

    ECONOMIST: The latest attacks by ETA only show its weakness

  • The Basque regional parliament in Spain asked for United Nations inspectors to oversee the region's peace process.

    ECONOMIST: Kosovo in crisis

  • "This was one of the scariest trips I have ever made, " says the cleric, who spent 13 years living in the terror-torn Basque region of northern Spain.

    FORBES: Doghouse On Wheels

  • Yet, for all the headlines about that, it is the ordinary, unreported, non-Basque 95% of Spain that gives a truer picture of its past, present and future.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of Spain

  • ETA, whose name stands for Basque Homeland and Liberty, has been fighting to win independence for Basque regions in northern Spain and southwestern France for 33 years.

    CNN: Mystery Spain blast kills woman

  • It sees the dispute as a purely bilateral matter between the two governments and conceding any form of self-determination for the people of Gibraltar would set an unwelcome precedent that might be exploited by the separatist movement in the Basque country of northern Spain.

    BBC: Reshuffle sparks Gibraltar talks fears

  • Police have closed at least 12 local Batasuna offices in Spain's Basque region since Tuesday's suspension order.

    BBC: Spain moves to complete Basque ban

  • As well as pursuing Gen Pinochet, Mr Garzon also rose to prominence in Spain for investigating Basque separatist group Eta, 1980s-era government death squads and indicting Osama Bin Laden.

    BBC: Spain Judge Baltasar Garzon vows to fight conviction

  • As a result, public spending per person in the Basque country is the highest in Spain.

    ECONOMIST: How much is enough?

  • Mr Aznar, whose party polled well in both the Basque and the Catalan parts of Spain, is determined to challenge the hold of the nationalists.

    ECONOMIST: Spain

  • Spain's Interior Minister Mariano Rajoy on Thursday called the list a "great step forward" because it included several organisations linked to ETA, which has claimed the killings of 800 people in a 33-year shooting and bombing campaign to secure independence for Spain's northern Basque region.

    CNN: EU names terror groups

  • Last month, ETA appeared to suffer a further setback when the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), which advocates independence from Spain through peaceful means, won 33 seats in the 75-member parliament in Basque regional elections.

    CNN: UK asked to extradite ETA suspect

  • There is another, far uglier, regional shadow over Spain: terrorism from the Basque Country.

    ECONOMIST: A survey of Spain

  • Basque peace could be a pay-off for Mr Zapatero's softly-softly approach to Spain's most enduring political problem: regional tensions in the Basque country and in Catalonia.

    ECONOMIST: Reasons for caution over ETA's ceasefire declaration

  • An alleged member of the Basque separatist group Eta can be sent to Spain to face terrorism charges, a UK court has ruled.

    BBC: Raul Fuentes Villota

  • Catalonia's nearby regions, the Basque country, and Galicia in the Northwest of Spain also have self-governance mandates under the Spanish Constitution of 1978.

    CNN: Spain's next threat: Losing 20% of its economy

  • Spain's new constitution of 1978, three years after Franco's death, divided Franco's centralised country into 17 regions, granted privileges to those parts (the Basque country, Catalonia and Galicia) with historic identities of their own, made Castilian pre-eminent as Spain's official language, but gave other languages principally Catalan, Basque, Valencian (a dialect of Catalan) and Galician equal status in areas where they were spoken.

    ECONOMIST: Catalan zeal

  • But if the reform programme stalls and Spain flops back into recession, Catalan and Basque nationalists may abandon Mr Zapatero, making a 2011 election and a PP government likely.

    ECONOMIST: Spanish politics

  • Most of these were attributed to separatists groups in France and Spain, such as ETA, which is the Basque national separatist organization.

    FORBES: Europe's Crime Capitals

  • Francisco Franco, who waged a ruthless campaign to suppress Basque language and culture, centred in several provinces in northern Spain and southern France.

    CNN: UK asked to extradite ETA suspect

  • Listed as a terrorist organization by Spain, the United States and the European Union, ETA is blamed for more than 800 deaths in its decades-long fight for an independent Basque state that it wants carved out of sections of northern Spain and southwestern France.

    CNN: Spanish ETA terror suspects arrested in London

  • After all, the authors point out, most people in Spain's minority regions see themselves as both Spanish and Basque (or Catalan or Galician) not just one or the other.

    ECONOMIST: Diversity and development | The

  • The fathers of the constitution fudged their definition of Spain's three most independent-minded regions the Basque Country, Catalonia and Galicia by calling them nationalities (ie, neither full-blooded nations nor mere regions).

    ECONOMIST: Catalonia is set to have a big role in Spain��s politics

  • One of Spain's most serious domestic issues has been tension in the northern Basque region.

    BBC: Spain profile

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