• In Annex I, the Chinese government set out its "basic policies" regarding Hong Kong.


  • To advocate an open-ended qualification of the common-law system by introducing unspecified civil-law concepts is to betray the basic spirit and intent of the "basic policies" and the Basic Law.


  • Thus, in the context of the "basic policies" and the Basic Law, the only occasion when the civil law concept of legislative interpretation is introduced is that as provided for in Article 158.


  • Without a change in those basic economic policies the debt problem is just going to come back again.

    FORBES: The Greek Bailout Doesn't Actually Solve the Problem

  • Mr da Silva could, of course, have avoided all of this tension if he and other candidates had followed the advice of Pedro Malan, the current finance minister, who proposed a pre-campaign agreement on basic economic policies that would be maintained to prevent the type of attack that the real has suffered.

    ECONOMIST: UNenforceable

  • Solutions to these underlying challenges include technology, to be sure, but they also require investments in the building blocks of education that must be properly in place to harbor success--such as policies that enable basic access to education, infrastructure, the capacity and commitment by countries and communities to make education a priority, and well-trained teachers able to make learning compelling and lasting.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The Policy Guidelines can be used by individuals as a basic text on Open Access and related policies.


  • Once their declarations are complete - and often without taking a breath - they proceed to denounce Israel's policies and to deny its basic rights.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Glenn Beck's revealing visit

  • But the sorts of policies that matter most are so basic that they would never seem weighty or visionary enough to grace a political platform.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • Employees would want affordable policies, and that would mean basic coverage without all the bells and whistles that they demanded when their employer was footing the bill.

    FORBES: How Tax Reform Facilitates Health Care Reform

  • Western misunderstanding of the Treaty's basic nature can only contribute to the perpetuation of policies whose effect is to shore up the failed, discredited Soviet political order and to delay the emergence of stable democratic and free market institutions in the republics.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Yet recognizing this basic reality did not lead the administration to adopt appropriate policies.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The long road to victory

  • Mr Manolopoulos says the ruling party's new tax policies are mistaken and no substitute for improving basic tax collection.

    BBC: Trying times for Greek families

  • Socialist policies that undermined production and produced shortages of basic food products also fueled inflation, while a depreciation of the currency shortly before Chavez's death promised to worsen those problems.

    CNN: Making the poor count -- a Hugo Chavez legacy

  • He widely explained basic set of principles and recommendations for the establishment of policies and procedures of library and archive collections with the master plan that every document must be protected at all times from all sort of damage and with the recognition that these collections, as documentary heritage, must be transmitted to future generations.


  • The basic idea behind free trade is the idea behind all free-market policies: Trade is voluntary.

    FORBES: Noahpinion's Two Errors About Free Trade: Yes, Unilateral Free Trade Is The Answer

  • In the absence of sensible policies that invest in long-term public goods like education or basic research, roads, railways, broadband, a smart electric grid -- an absence of those investments can be equally disastrous.

    WHITEHOUSE: Announcing the President's Export Council

  • The Lib Dems have also ditched any policies that might put off potential supporters, such as raising the basic rate of income tax, and they have stopped banging on about things that do not stir the popular imagination, such as proportional representation.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • It is an important event for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as for the whole of the international community committed to the idea that the social sciences have a major contribution to make to the development and implementation of development policies that are sustainable and that respect the needs of peoples and basic human rights.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • And that's -- without regard to the issue of whether the officials from the previous administration agree or disagree with the policies of this administration about how to deal with the problem, the basic intelligence reports did not undergo any kind of change from the previous administration to this one.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: DOD Briefing on Intelligence Matters

  • These programs would also build on proven policies for booming economic growth, which is the foundation for ensuring that all basic needs are met.

    FORBES: The New Republican Vision For Modern Social Safety Nets

  • The basic policy conclusion of the rational expectations hypothesis is that counter-cyclical monetary and fiscal policies affect real GDP and unemployment only if they are unanticipated.

    FORBES: Thomas Sargent, Rational Expectations And The Keynesian Consensus

  • The basic concept being propounded by leading neoconservative writers and publications is that anyone who disagrees with neoconservative policies is an isolationist.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Jacksonian Foreign Policy Option

  • Promotes policies and strengthens human and institutional capacities in science, technology and innovation, with special emphasis on the basic sciences.


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