• Already in use in the banking sector in Japan, these scanners are thought to be more accurate than fingerprinting since a person's fingerprint alters in childhood whilst palm and finger vein patterns remain unchanged from the womb.

    CNN: Fully biometric airports becoming a reality

  • It was these actions that led to the criminal sanctions, and also persuaded the government to suspend CSFP's banking license in Japan.

    BBC: Japanese pursue CSFB

  • This year, Southeast Asia has accounted for 17% of revenue in the Asia-Pacific region outside Japan in core investment banking, up from 15% for all of last year.

    WSJ: Investment Bankers Ride Southeast Asian Boom

  • It was a squadron of Army Air Force bombers from the airfield on Tinian Island, across the channel, and they cast their furious vibrations down upon us as they gained altitude and made a slow banking turn in their flight toward Japan.

    NEWYORKER: Rat Beach

  • Germany's low inflation rate, its limited room to ease monetary or fiscal policy and the problems in its banking system look horribly like the early symptoms seen in Japan in the mid-1990s before it sank into deflation.

    ECONOMIST: Euro-area economies

  • U.S. retail sales data, industrial output in China and the euro area, the ongoing Spanish banking crisis and possible further monetary policy easing in Japan will all be overshadowed by the Greek elections, said Nomura Securities analysts in a 16 page report on Friday.

    FORBES: Greek Election Fever Hits Wall Street Monday

  • Banking shares were among the gainers in Japan, with Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group up 2.2%, Mizuho Financial Group up 2.9% and Nomura Holdings 2.8% higher.

    WSJ: Latest Euro Hope Helps Asia Markets

  • Sony has for some time relied on profits from the banking and insurance operations it owns in Japan to make up for weakness in other businesses.

    CNN: Sony posts first full-year profit in 5 years

  • Orix, which listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1998 and whose shareholder base is more than 50% outside Japan, also operates in investment banking, life insurance, venture capital and in the financing of real-estate development.

    WSJ: Japan's Orix Buys Dutch Asset Manager

  • By doing so Collins and his associates have contributed mightily to stimulating changes in Japan's hidebound banking industry, which desperately needed them.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Citigroup estimates that private banking in the Asia-Pacific region, excluding Japan, will grow at an annual rate of 20-30% in the next five years.

    ECONOMIST: Private banking in Asia: Striking it rich | The

  • The lesson of big banking busts, such as Japan's in the 1990s, is that debt-laden balance-sheets must be restructured and troubled banks fixed before real recoveries can take off.

    ECONOMIST: Saving the banks

  • In South Korea, because of the fragility of its political institutions, because it too has delayed banking reform but most of all because unlike in Japan and South-East Asia the rot in Korea is not confined to finance but extends across many of the country's biggest industrial conglomerates (see article).

    ECONOMIST: Reality hits Japan

  • In contrast with Japan, the Thai banking market is flourishing.

    WSJ: MUFG Enters Exclusive Talks to Buy Thai Lender

  • Some 20% of students graduating this month have no offers of a job, up six percentage points from last year and the highest tally since records began in 2000, in the midst of Japan's banking crisis.

    ECONOMIST: The perils of a frigid labour market

  • While Japan's banking system remains crippled, faster growth in the monetary base does not boost bank lending.

    ECONOMIST: The yen

  • Until Japan can show real progress in clearing up its banking mess, and until a slowdown in the American economy becomes apparent, the yen will weaken further.

    ECONOMIST: Bruised, battered and broke

  • Japan lags well behind America and Europe in restructuring its banking sector.

    ECONOMIST: How to waste $250 billion | The

  • However, in Japan, where the scale of the problem dwarfs any other banking crisis, this approach has not been seriously attempted.

    ECONOMIST: Japan's banks

  • Still, if devaluation helped to put an end to deflation, it would offer a healthier economic environment in which to carry out the structural and banking reforms that are essential for Japan's recovery.

    ECONOMIST: Can a cheaper yen rid Japan of deflation?

  • The Bank of Japan has relaxed its monetary policy, providing more cash to the banking sector in a bid to boost the flagging economy.

    BBC: A chart of the dollar-yen exchange rate

  • But, said Mr Mishkin, Japan's policymakers made a lot of mistakes: the imbalances in its banking industry were not sorted out, so they got worse.

    ECONOMIST: Assets and their liabilities

  • In a sign of just such a development, shares in Fuji Bank by no means the worst-off of Japan's banking giants did not trade for two days this week, so concerned has the market become about its health.

    ECONOMIST: And it finally came to tears

  • According to JPMorgan, the economy in Britain probably shrank at an annual rate of 5.9% in the fourth quarter, the euro-area by 5%, and Japan by a heart-stopping 9%, in a country with no housing bubble or banking crisis.

    ECONOMIST: The economy

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