• The scandal comes at a time when the bank needs stability as it moves to end five years of zero interest rates.

    BBC: NEWS | Business | Bank of Japan boss says 'sorry'

  • No need: an independent central bank committed to price stability can hold inflation down while ignoring gold witness Germany or New Zealand.

    ECONOMIST: Losing the Midas touch

  • New Zealand also boasts an independent central bank committed to price stability and a government budget that has been in surplus for the past five years.

    ECONOMIST: A kiwi conundrum

  • But he rejected the suggestion that the care homes were struggling because of the business decision to lease all their homes from landlords, arguing that lease structures provide better stability than bank lending.

    BBC: Southern Cross boss: 'I am very sorry'

  • "Since then he - and quite a lot of others - have spotted that it's tricky for a central bank to deliver economic stability if it has no role in promoting financial stability, " our business editor said.

    BBC: King and Darling clash on banks

  • The main responsibility of any central bank is to promote price stability.

    ECONOMIST: Japan��s economy

  • Yet in playing this game, the Bank of Japan has failed in its primary duty as a central bank: to ensure price stability.

    ECONOMIST: Japan��s economy

  • This completed a hat-trick: on May 25th, a report on bank supervision from the Financial Stability Forum, a group of international regulators, had ranked the islands in the lowest grade.

    ECONOMIST: All havens in a storm | The

  • For instance, the bank's latest Financial Stability Report, released on Thursday, warned that the euro zone's debt woes were threatening to ignite a systemic financial crisis, with all that implied for the economy.

    WSJ: Alen Mattich: When Frugal Becomes the New Normal

  • Haldane is the Executive Director, Financial Stability, at the Bank of England.

    FORBES: So What Have The Economists Ever Done For Us?

  • "Japan's economy faces the critical challenge of overcoming deflation and returning to a sustainable growth path with price stability, " the bank said.

    BBC: Japan keeps interest rates on hold

  • For the past seven years he has been the chairman of financial stability institute at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • She said that those clamouring for Germany to "pour billions into eurobonds, stability funds, European bank deposit guarantee funds" wanted a quick crisis fix that was unsustainable.

    BBC: Greece election: The European countdown

  • It was understandable therefore Mr Diamond and Mr Tucker - who was in charge of the Bank of England's financial stability and markets arms - should discuss all this.

    BBC: What did Bank of England say to Barclays about Libor?

  • The most potent criticism is that aiming for exchange-rate stability compromises the central bank in its task of controlling inflation one instrument (monetary policy) is being asked to do two things.

    ECONOMIST: Off target

  • Formally, he'll be answering questions on the Bank's November 2012 Financial Stability Report, but there may be a valedictory flavour to his appearance as his term of office draws to a close.

    BBC: Week ahead in committees

  • The Bank of England's Financial Stability Review shows that Barclays' retail banking loans in Spain, Italy and bailed-out Portugal are equivalent to a bit more than its core equity capital - its buffer against losses.

    BBC: Downgraded UK banks, bonuses and Bank of England support

  • But the bank has emerged from the crisis as one of the most effective at promoting stability, according to a study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

    ECONOMIST: The Swiss National Bank

  • In addition to his role as Bank of Canada governor, Carney is also the incoming chairman of the Financial Stability Board, where he takes over from new European Central Bank President Mario Draghi.

    FORBES: Bank Of Canada's Carney Warns About Loss Of Global Liquidity

  • Despite the political gloom, Israel, Gaza and the West Bank are enjoying a rare run of stability, unpunctured for the moment by war.

    ECONOMIST: Talks between Israelis and Palestinians

  • One of the main measures in the bill will make the Bank of England responsible for protecting the stability of the UK's financial systems.

    BBC: MPs pass Finance Services Bill at second reading

  • The bank remains a strong advocate of the stability and growth pact, which is meant to curb excessive budget deficits in the euro area.

    ECONOMIST: Wait and see, again | The

  • Mr Osborne also announced the re-appointment of Charlie Bean as Bank of England deputy governor for monetary stability for a further year until the end of June 2014.

    BBC: Mark Carney named new Bank of England governor

  • " EU Banking Sector Stability", European Central Bank, October 2005.

    ECONOMIST: Sources and acknowledgements

  • The fund suggests the low volatility of recent years may be owing to greater economic stability, improved central-bank credibility or the better dispersion of risks around the financial system.

    ECONOMIST: Buttonwood

  • By helping to provide a cushion for banks' share sales, say people at the Bank of Japan, it is providing stability and making it easier for Mr Koizumi to choose decisive action.

    ECONOMIST: The Bank of Japan

  • With G7 leaders announcing they were ready to take coordinated action to ensure financial stability and the European Central Bank buying Spanish and Italian debt, all eyes are on Ben Bernanke as the Fed meets on Tuesday in the context of an FOMC meeting.

    FORBES: After ECB And G7 Commit To Intervene Markets, Will Bernanke Enact QE3?

  • But what is also striking is that both he and the Bank of England's brainy financial stability director Andy Haldane have been waxing lyrical about the long-term potential of new-age internet-based lenders - what are known as peer-to-peer lenders - to significantly reduce our dependence on traditional banks.

    BBC: What threat to banks from internet lenders?

  • To date, inflation expectations appear to have remained reasonably well anchored, but any tendency of inflation expectations to become unmoored or for the Fed's inflation-fighting credibility to be eroded could greatly complicate the task of sustaining price stability and reduce the central bank's policy flexibility to counter shortfalls in growth in the future.

    NPR: Economic Swoon to Continue, Bernanke Says

  • As well as being the head of the Bank of Canada, he serves as chairman of the Basel-based Financial Stability Board (FSB) and as a member of the board of directors of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

    BBC: Profile: Mark Carney

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