• This is, of course, hardly the first time that French policy towards the United States has been defined by balance-of-power considerations.


  • In the 20th century, it has used balance-of-power politics to contain Germany.

    ECONOMIST: A question of balance

  • This suggests that Beijing is still tied to a nuclear North Korea as part of a balance-of-power chess game against an alliance of the U.S., Japan and South Korea.

    FORBES: What is China thinking?

  • Shorn of empire and in straitened circumstances, Russia still tends to view the world through balance-of-power lenses: another country's gain is Russia's loss, and vice versa, especially when that other country is America.

    ECONOMIST: Russia��s world

  • This would be the biggest pro-union shift in the balance of labor-management power since the Wagner Act of 1935.

    WSJ: A Liberal Supermajority

  • And there are some high-powered issues to chew over - the balance of power between the Commons and the new Senate (or whatever it is to be called), the proportion to be elected or appointed, the presence of the Church of England bishops (excluding them would come close to disestablishment of the state church, so antidisestablishmentarianism may become a factor) and much, much more.

    BBC: Lords reform looks set to snarl up the Commons

  • The result is that what the Chinese took to be a solid, mutually beneficial relationship with the Burmese has exploded in their faces with long-term consequences for Myanmar, the balance of power in South-East Asia and the whole way that China does business with poorer countries.

    ECONOMIST: Relations with Myanmar: Less thunder out of China | The

  • In the second tier, the hustler class of new-money industrialists produced a first generation of Robber Barons, and then an asymmetric balance of power between bankers and second-generation hustlers who aspired to Robber Baron level fortunes (egged on by Horatio Alger narratives), but ended up as the tame new middle class.

    FORBES: Entrepreneurs are the New Labor: Part I

  • The middle-of-the-road Popular Party, which holds the current balance of power in parliament with just 7% of the vote, is celebrating too: its members now hope that one of their own preferably the incumbent, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro will be elected state president next month by the current method: a horse-traded vote in parliament.

    ECONOMIST: Italy��s reformers thwarted

  • But by around 1910, the balance of power had collapsed (as had the political balance of power in Europe, a not-unrelated development).

    FORBES: Entrepreneurs are the New Labor: Part I

  • The bipolar international structure of the Cold War is often warmly remembered as a time when the balance of power - aided by the commonly understood inevitability of mutual assured destruction - ensured a relatively peaceful world where a war between the superpowers was largely unfeasible.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The case for hegemony

  • Thanks to the reforms in the judicial system and the deployment of the army to combat the narco-traffickers, the balance of power of the Mexican cartels has shifted and their leadership has been relentlessly pursued and diminished.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Growing interdependence

  • As consumers and enterprise buyers spend more of their dollars on portable post-PC devices, the balance of power is going to change.

    FORBES: Five Companies That Are In Line To Dominate The Post-PC World

  • They should appoint a lead independent director to balance the power of--or even serve as--the chairman, who these days too often happens to be the CEO. (That should not be allowed.) Finally, directors should be paid primarily with long-term grants of stock, rather than collect a check for showing up occasionally.

    CNN: More reform and less hot air

  • Many of these original workshops have been turned into apartments now, but small open-door shops still populate those same streets, where third- and fourth-generation craftspeople continue to make the mainsprings, bridges and balance cocks that power some of the world's most exquisite and pricey timepieces.

    BBC: Where the world��s most expensive watches are made

  • Energy independence will alter the balance of power away from politically-questionable and unreliable energy producers in the Middle East and Latin America.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Yes, the balance of power at the G-20 summit shifted toward Russia, Brazil and its hundreds of billions in reserves, Saudi Arabia, and a rich though still economically stagnant Japan.

    WSJ: China Will Be a Winner in the New Economy

  • If Republicans win the House but lose the Senate and the presidency, the change in the balance of power may have a further -- and important -- ripple effect.

    CNN: What Kerry needs in Boston

  • Just as the cross-community Alliance holds the balance of power in Belfast City Council, across Northern Ireland as a whole those defining themselves as "Northern Irish" hold the balance, as explained elsewhere on this website.

    BBC: Balance of power held by Northern Irish

  • Even its current, diminished performance, repeated at the general election that has to be held by next spring, would give M5S about 80 of the seats in the 630-seat lower house Chamber of Deputies and, perhaps, the balance of power.

    ECONOMIST: Italian politics: A waning star? | The

  • Now the gamblers are becoming long-term investors, and the balance of power is shifting.

    FORBES: Off with their perks!

  • Tsai Ing-wen is changing the political balance of power and the nature of politics in Taiwan.

    FORBES: Names You Need to Know: Tsai Ing-wen, Pathbreaking Politician

  • Yet the drug-financed warlords who hold the balance of power are still rooted in the tribal system.

    ECONOMIST: Far more than two sides to the conflict

  • But new technologies like digital video recorders, TiVo, digital cable and Web-based television are shifting the balance of power from traditional broadcasters to consumers.

    CNN: The transformation of American TV

  • " In addition, the company statement noted, "STEC believes that Seagate's action is a desperate move to disrupt how aggressively customers are embracing STEC's Zeus-IOPS technology and changing the balance of power in enterprise storage.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The balance of power is now shifting back from risk-takers to those who police them internally.

    ECONOMIST: How banks can improve their approach to risk management

  • The mid-term elections not only changed the balance of power in Washington.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • But Mr Berlusconi is reluctant to tinker with his cabinet, which reflects a delicate balance of power between rival factions in his four-party coalition.

    ECONOMIST: Buttiglione backs out | The

  • That brief, decisive showdown, followed by elections last year that preserved the balance of power narrowly in favour of the pro-Western majority, focused political minds on the need to compromise.

    ECONOMIST: Resilient Lebanon

  • "So obviously we are concerned that weapons that are ground-breaking, that can change the balance of power in the Middle East, would fall into the hands of these terrorists, " he said.

    NPR: Israel Fears End To 40-Year Peace On Syrian Front

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