But with lawsuits filed at the drop of a hat, search services should take note.
"The great coaches out there are not available at the drop of a hat, " Humphreys said.
"There should be technology that's pre-existing and ready to deploy at the drop of a hat, " said one former Transocean executive.
The group boasts more than 4 million members capable of pouring money into political races at the drop of a hat.
Saudi princes claim to be able to goose production from 9 million barrels a day to 12 at the drop of a hat.
He was in protection, traveling to and fro, finding himself in many different types of places at the drop of a dime, including aircraft carriers.
FORBES: What Is It Like To Be An Agent Of The U.S. Secret Service?
Even better is when two parades cross paths, shouting opposing slogans that can be turned into campaign dollars at the drop of a sound bite.
At the drop of a jaunty straw fedora, Mr. Shimabukuro will sermonize that the world would be a better place if more people played the ukulele.
WSJ: His Ukelele Is On Fire | Jake Shimabukuro | Cultural Conversation by Matthew Gurewitsch
Quickly setting herself apart herself most other denizens of reality TV willing to get in a fist fight at the drop of a hat, Frankel is all business.
FORBES: Bethenny Frankel And The One Question She's Never Been Asked: 'Are You Happy?'
The highly rated TV series kicked off what came to be known as "jiggle TV, " series full of young actresses who appeared in bikinis at the drop of a hat.
An extended family of aunts and uncles and cousins who you could turn to at the drop of the hat, if you ever got caught doing something improper on the street.
Anyone who has ever been to a Jerry Lee Lewis show can tell you how Jerry Lee will insert his name into the lyric of a song at the drop of a hat.
Things have gotten so technical and legalistic in the NFL that both Fox and ESPN employ retired officials to be ready to comment at the drop of a hat during a game broadcast.
The tiny airport closest at the first drop of bad weather, and as they say, in Telluride it is either sunny or snowing, making this a somewhat risky and impractical.
Ms Herve said the investigation would look at a drop in the numbers of births at the unit, as well as higher than expected numbers of women referred to consultant-led units, compared to previous years and similar units elsewhere.
One look at a price chart of FDO and you can see a big drop at the start of 2013.
Yesterday National Public Radio reported that overseas direct investment in the United States has fallen by half over the past decade and attributed at least part of the drop to crumbling U.S. infrastructure.
However, Scotgold said the market remained wary after gold prices fell by more than 9% at the beginning of April, the biggest drop for 30 years.
BBC: Falling gold prices delay plans to reopen Cononish mine
Those came at the same time Scott Stallings made double bogey at No. 15 to drop out of the lead.
When interest rates inevitably rise, the value of those bond holdings may drop faster than the tide at the Bay of Fundy, but for now bonds are attracting those most afraid of getting in over their heads.
While women represent 53% of new hires, the drop-off rate of women at each level up the ladder is startling: 37% of the next-level promotions go to women while only 14% of executive committees are female.
Council education spokeswoman Catriona Bhatia said the authority needed to look closely at the recent drop in popularity of school meals.
Scottish ministers have said targets on keeping up police officer numbers were being exceeded, despite a small drop at the end of last year.
Some economists said mild winter weather and quirks in the government's methods for adjusting for seasonality may have pushed the jobs estimates artificially higher at the start of the year, making a drop-off inevitable.
This is aimed at reversing the drop in numbers of riders taking the test, which was caused by a move in 2009 to replace local centres with a smaller number of test "super-centres" where off-road manoeuvres could also be assessed.
For dinner, have your table pre-booked at top fish restaurant Poseidon in the fashionable district of Bebek so the yacht can drop you off at the door.
The west side of the park is fairly isolated, and negotiating a self-supported vehicle drop off at either end requires many hours of extraneous driving, the chief alternative being an out and back ride few cyclists can realistically do in one day.
FORBES: Team Building, Corporate Outings & Non-Profit Fundraisers Get Active - In High Style
California now lags behind the rest of the country in the rate at which the number of its jobs filled by high-school drop-outs is declining.
They agreed to drop him at the gates of Damascus, but wouldn't take him further -- definitely not to a hospital -- for fear of being targeted themselves.
They can also help you identify campsites, hotels and bed and breakfasts along the route and work with you to determine the drop-off point for your kayak at the end of your trip.