• Washington sleuths have cleared nine Canadian steelmakers of charges that their wire-rod exports were subsidised but are still looking at ones of dumping.

    ECONOMIST: Canada and the United States

  • We're not sure if there's going to be a huge difference from the tracks dropped off at Waterloo Station versus the ones at King's Cross, but we'll find out once the researchers get their gear up and running.

    ENGADGET: Undersound, a way to trade music on the London Underground

  • "The older ones at the time of death had a lot more calcification than the younger ones, " said Randall Thompson, a cardiologist at Saint Luke's Mid-America Heart Institute, Kansas City, Mo.

    WSJ: Telltale Finding on Heart Disease in Mummies

  • Employees in large plants find their jobs more at risk than do employees at small ones.

    FORBES: A Shield Against The Next Oil Shock

  • But far worse, it melted at high temperatures and became brittle at low ones.

    FORBES: Pioneers Die Broke

  • The fast-paced game involves shooting at enemy spaceships while avoiding shooting at friendly ones.

    ENGADGET: Researchers create video game that monitors heart rate to keep children's anger in check

  • Conversely, you could keep all tax-deferred accounts at one firm and the taxable ones at another.

    WSJ: Conquering Retirement: Herding Your Accounts

  • For example, it suggests new friends using an algorithm that looks at existing ones.

    ECONOMIST: E-communication and society

  • He sees growth both from buying out other dialysis centers and from expanding the patient volume at existing ones.

    FORBES: Money & Investing

  • The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) says annual turnover among salesmen averages 40% at small dealerships and 53% at bigger ones.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The researchers argue that this health connection is what makes macaque monkeys look longer at symmetrical faces than they do at uneven ones.

    ECONOMIST: Health indicators

  • El Chavo makes us laugh at miserable places, full of greedy, selfish, violent people, and also at the ones who are bullied by them.

    FORBES: Meet El Chavo, The World's Most Famous (And Richest) Orphan

  • SOX, not at small ones, which investors have always thought riskier.

    ECONOMIST: Regulating business

  • In America the workforce of foreign firms rose by 1.4% a year between 1989 and 1996, compared with an annual rise of 0.8% at domestic ones.

    ECONOMIST: Globalisation

  • If the company has a policy (more common at large organizations than at smaller ones) you will probably be handed a severance letter or agreement on the day you are terminated.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Bolder ideas are needed to open up Britain's restrictive schools system, in which local-education authorities seldom sanction the creation of new schools while there are surplus places at existing ones, however awful.

    ECONOMIST: Their latest thinking on schools

  • But the BLS itself admits a key component of this statistic--estimates of jobs added at small businesses just opened minus jobs lost at small ones just closed--tends to exaggerate employment in a slowdown.

    FORBES: The Lonely Bear

  • Previous studies with macaques have demonstrated that the animals will gaze longer at symmetrical faces than they do at asymmetric ones, which could be interpreted as the monkeys finding such faces more attractive.

    ECONOMIST: Health indicators

  • Simple, and safe: for the problem with all tranquillisers up till then, from henbane and absinthe to barbiturates, was that they gave unpleasant side effects at moderate doses and, at larger ones, killed you.

    ECONOMIST: Leo Sternbach

  • Such a sophisticated and lethal operation makes a mockery of the idea of "disengagement, " based upon the notion that good fences will make, if not good neighbors, at least ones with which Israel can live.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: No territory for terrorists

  • That sounds like an attractive borrowing rate, and it may prove to be a good deal for many: If inflation and interest rates rise in the future, those who borrow at these fixed rates and invest at higher ones will earn a profit.

    WSJ: 'Don't Just Spend It'��Smart Moves for Your Tax Refund

  • During testing SAP had realized that the kind of people who would be logging into their ERP portals would be chief executives of small companies not middle managers at big ones and had to shift gears toward making it easier to see a whole business from one dashboard.

    FORBES: HP Embraces Leo Apotheker, And So Should Investors

  • There would be less truth in that caricature if British graduates in disciplines such as science and engineering gained some familiarity with business as part of their studies (it is noteworthy that the best British universities discourage students from earning money while they learn, while at American ones most are obliged to).

    ECONOMIST: Entrepreneurship and technology

  • The results, plotted as a graph, are a standard bell-shape: a few poor results at one end, a few excellent ones at the other and a bulge of average scores in the middle.

    ECONOMIST: Can the spirit of enterprise be taught?

  • Put bluntly, Russian businesses, or at least the big ones, will at best have much higher tax bills and lower profits in future.

    ECONOMIST: Buttonwood

  • But we're dealing with the issues -- the steps that we're looking at taking are the ones that, at this point, seem most likely to have an effect and to have success.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The older ones had their first day at school on June 8th and 25 of the younger ones have just started at the primary school next door, where, despite language problems, teachers say they mingle well with local children.

    ECONOMIST: Kosovar refugees

  • In practice, investors took fright at the prospect of the shares of thousands of companies (and not very good ones at that) being dumped on the market.

    ECONOMIST: Casino capital

  • Only if you were a Netflix customer and (follow carefully now) your movie recommendations were among those released by the company (less than 10% were), and you were also an imdb user, and you made recommendations at imdb that matched the ones you made at Netflix, and you left some information about yourself at imdb--perhaps a screen name used someplace else on the Internet.

    FORBES: Digital Tools

  • Music intensified the experiences of pleasure at seeing the great ones, or fear and loathing at those who resisted them.

    FORBES: I Am America's Amygdala

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