• "The November 15 fire accident not only sounded the alarm on fire prevention, " said Tang Xianxing, a professor at Fudan University.

    CNN: Deadly fire highlights China's growth problem

  • The mice were created by Tian Xu, a Howard Hughes medical investigator at Yale, and his colleagues at Fudan University in Shanghai, China.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • No one was held responsible for the crime, and the cold case resurfaced in April in the wake of another poisoning at Fudan University.

    NPR: Chinese Air Their Cases By Petitioning White House

  • That possibility inspired Ms. Dai, the translator, an associate professor and vice dean of the department of Chinese language and literature at Fudan University in Shanghai.

    WSJ: 'Finnegans Wake' Is Greek to Many; Now Imagine It in Chinese

  • The delegation comprised of Professor Hingmin Zhang, a leading expert on housing in China, and Professor Nanshen Sun, who is Dean of the law school at Fudan University.

    BBC: Chinese delegation visits Epsom to study social housing

  • He has been a visiting scholar at the Central European University in Prague and at Fudan University in Shanghai and is currently professor of economics at Towson University in Maryland.

    FORBES: James Dorn - International Political Economy

  • "The Chinese public went to a foreign site to vent off their frustration, and that speaks of the loss of credibility of the Chinese government, " said Shen Dingli, professor of American studies at Fudan University.

    NPR: Chinese Air Their Cases By Petitioning White House

  • Shi Yuanhua, Koreas expert at Fudan University in Shanghai, tells China Daily that North Korea's threat to cancel the armistice is in protest against ongoing US-South Korean military drills using more powerful weapons and to "prompt Washington back to the negotiating table".

    BBC: China media: Wen's mixed legacy

  • Shen Dingli, an expert on arms control at Fudan University in Shanghai, tells the newspaper that the UN should not hold back on sanctions but says the international community, especially the US, should give security guarantees to Pyongyang and keep the door to negotiations open.

    BBC: China media: Wen's mixed legacy

  • The precipitating factor was a similar case at Shanghai's Fudan University a few weeks ago.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: A Chinese Search for Justice

  • The poisoning death in April of Huang Yang, a graduate student at Shanghai's Fudan University, has sparked public interest in Zhu Ling's case.

    BBC: China media: Middle East mediation

  • However, in Oriental Morning Post, Zhang Jianxin, international relations professor at Shanghai's Fudan University, predicts the demise of the "radical anti-American" left in Latin America and as moderates representing the middle class come to the fore.

    BBC: China media: Death of Chavez

  • Cai Jian, deputy director of the Centre for Korean Studies at Shanghai's Fudan University, disagrees and tells Global Times that a large-scale military conflict is unlikely to break out because North Korea's threats are largely just psychological warfare against the US and South Korea.

    BBC: China media: Views on North Korea

  • In People's Daily's overseas edition, Shen Dingli at Shanghai's Fudan University says North Korea does not have the capability to wage a nuclear strike on the US. He urges US President Obama to take the initiative and call North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to establish trust.

    BBC: China media: Debate on North Korea

  • At age 20 he left to attend Fudan University in Shanghai, majoring in English and American literature.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Foreign firms should establish long-term interaction with leading Chinese faculty at Chinese universities, from top-rated Beijing University to Tsinghua to Fudan (in Shanghai) to other colleges in Tianjin, Dalian, Nanjing, Wuhan, Xiamen and Guangdong.

    FORBES: China Turns Its Focus To Africa

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