• Irna Qureshi, a writer specialising in British-Asian arts and culture, explains why British-born Asians are taking a gamble on Bollywood.

    BBC: London's British Asians look to Bollywood

  • But if the West can celebrate Asian arts, surely the region can do a better job of supporting its own talent.

    CNN: Cultural Shock

  • One of the organisations which knows most about the delicate negotiations of a multi-faith, multicultural world is Sampad, the Birmingham-based and nationally-respected south Asian arts organisation.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Birmingham becomes stage for a tragedy

  • Asian Arts Agency director Jaswinder Singh said the band were redefining Asian contemporary music and would take the sound to audiences "who would not otherwise be able to experience music like this".

    BBC: Arts tours scoop Lottery funding

  • The Koreans are proud that it was they who "exported" all the ancient East Asian civilized arts -- writing, pottery, etc.

    CNN: From Our Correspondent: A Gift From Korea

  • There is also aggressive promotion and support for such activities as the Singapore International Film Festival, now in its 10th year, and the Festival of Asian Performing Arts -- showcases for both local and regional talent.


  • Hajaz Akram, principal of the Academy of Asian and Ethnic Dramatic Arts (AAEDA) in London, is concerned that Neighbours is watering down what it means to be Asian.

    BBC: Asian characters stereotyped in UK soaps, actor claims

  • Yes, there are Asian festivals that showcase local arts, but it is usually easier to find a French or German film, for example, than one from a neighbor.

    CNN: Cultural Shock

  • His focus will be as a liaison for the arts community and the Asian-American community, he said.

    CNN: 'House' actor explains shocking decision

  • It is fueled by images that fill the childhoods of most urban Asian-Americans: photos of martial arts icon Bruce Lee, sumo wrestlers and Japanese cartoon characters -- all of it, on the inside pages, in not very chic black and white.

    CNN: Raw, Original and Truthful

  • For Yale, the venture provides a chance to extend the university's brand to fast-growing Asian markets and to help introduce the Western liberal-arts tradition to the region.

    WSJ: Yale-Singapore Venture to Forbid Political Protest

  • The UNESCO Observatory (ALMOCA) focuses on the cross-cultural creative education and arts-specific learning of cultural diversity in Central Asian countries.

    UNESCO: Educaci��n art��stica

  • He said the company is seeking partners in the U.S. and already has partnerships with Evernote, Electronic Arts and Gameloft to help those companies expand in China and other Asian markets.

    FORBES: China's Largest Mobile Browser Heads Into U.S. Market

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