• Auden, and he longed to create in art a figure as memorable as the characters in Dickens or in Tolstoy.

    ECONOMIST: R.B. Kitaj

  • The inhumanity of American prisons was as much a theme for Dickens, visiting America in 1842, as the cynicism of American lawyers.

    NEWYORKER: The Caging of America

  • The BFI season is described as the largest retrospective of Dickens on film and television ever staged.

    BBC: Great Expectations: New end penned for Dickens classic

  • At the same time, the Dean of Westminster, Arthur Stanley, was searching for a famous writer to boost the standing of Westminster Abbey in British life, and Dickens was seen as the ideal candidate to be laid to rest in Poets' Corner.

    BBC: The empty grave of Charles Dickens

  • The district judge said after a five-day hearing at Llandudno that he believed the claim that Dickens had referred to himself as a Rachman - the notorious slum landlord in London in the 1950s and 60s.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Landlord's asbo after 'threats'

  • As in Dickens, we tread the verge of a fairy tale.

    NEWYORKER: Not Child��s Play

  • But freshly dressed for her winter holidays, stately windows wreathed against the chill and catawba branches flickering in torchlight, the town displays an array of cozy-clapboard imagery so complete, that the effect is as comfortable as Dickens.

    CNN: Revolutionary holidays in Williamsburg

  • American litigation has gotten nearly as bad as the British system of justice in the 19th Century when Charles Dickens wrote the lawyer-bashing novel Bleak House.

    FORBES: Beleaguered Barbie's Girl Fight Busts Mattel Profits

  • And there were stamps for the Royal Wedding, Dickens' bicentenary, and themes such as animals or space exploration.

    BBC: The extreme stamp collecting of first day covers

  • Dickens also satirised the law in his novels, such as Bleak House, the tale of a decades-long court case that destroys most of its participants.

    BBC: A walking tour of Dickens��s London

  • Dickens, for example, is suffused with the Arabian Nights as it was translated in the 18th Century.

    BBC: Today

  • It can be seen as a strange case of life mirroring Dickens's final artistic efforts - the author's last, unfinished work, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, centred on the suspense of the possibility of a corpse hidden in Rochester Cathedral.

    BBC: The empty grave of Charles Dickens

  • But the fundamental mystery of what fired that unique and extravagant imagination remains, as Dickens told his American friend, unfathomable.

    ECONOMIST: Charles Dickens

  • Fisher told me that her current boyfriend has read the complete works of Shakespeare aloud to her in bed, as well as some Dickens and Ibsen.

    NEWYORKER: Looking for Someone

  • Charles Dickens was born in 1812 into a volatile period often referred to as the Age of Reform, where industrialisation was rapidly reshaping Britain, and legislators were - more than ever - struggling to adapt to the demands of a changing population.

    BBC: News Magazine

  • As its CEO in the two decades between 1981 and 2001, Neutron Jack Welch streamlined the dickens out of GE.

    FORBES: Brand Management: No Plug-and-Play Proposition

  • Going into the field to make a few shekels is about an effective a strategy as moving to Casablanca for the waters, despite the fact that, once upon a time, Charles Dickens not only wrote for money, he was pilloried by critics for doing just that.

    FORBES: Lena Dunham Doesn't Write For Money

  • Likewise, argues Cunningham, Dickens shared the Victorian establishment's fear of the mob - publishing Barnaby Rudge (1840) as a critique of mob action.

    BBC: Charles Dickens

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