• So Mr Wagenaar, Dr Potter and another researcher at Georgia Tech, Radhika Madhavan, set out to defeat bursting.

    ECONOMIST: A drug-free treatment for epilepsy?

  • Another researcher at the university, Prof Richard Ribchester, is using the flies for initial research into motor neurone disease.

    BBC: Edinburgh, Fife & East Scotland

  • McCarty, an investigator at Nationwide's Center for Gene Therapy, says relying on another researcher's data from a natural-history study would be problematic.

    WSJ: Families Push for New Ways to Research Rare Diseases

  • Karl MacDorman, another researcher at Osaka, sees similar social forces at work.

    ECONOMIST: Why the Japanese want their robots to act more like humans

  • Indeed, Kelli Roberts, another researcher at Cornell, told the meeting that, taking all factors into account, growing switchgrass for biochar may do more harm than good.

    ECONOMIST: Biochar could enrich soils and cut greenhouse gases as well

  • Hatfill said, after another researcher "saw fit to discuss me as a suspect in the anthrax case in a meeting with FBI agents and Senate staffers, " the FBI revisited him.

    CNN: Scientist under scrutiny denies anthrax link

  • In the early 1990s, a Columbia professor named Martin Chalfie heard that another researcher, Douglas Prasher, was trying to locate the gene for a green fluorescent protein (GFP) found in jellyfish.

    FORBES: Future Tech

  • Rikin Gandhi, another researcher, has been experimenting with a combination of mobile phones and educational comic books that would allow users to get voice annotations to a book by pressing key combinations into a phone.

    FORBES: Computing at the Bottom of the Pyramid

  • When Michael Dillingham, another researcher at Stanford who is also a doctor for the San Francisco 49ers, an American football team, heard about the device, he wondered if it could be put into reverse to help prevent overheating in athletes.

    ECONOMIST: Athletics

  • In recent weeks Dr Smith and Dr Sample, working with Scott Southwood, another researcher at the University of Washington, have built a weather sensor that measures temperature and light levels and sends a packet of data every five seconds by radio.

    ECONOMIST: Monitor

  • "They're succeeding at some of the big but simpler problems and really just getting started on more complicated secondary pollutant problems, " said Chris Nielsen, another researcher on the project and executive director of Harvard's China Project, which focuses on the atmospheric environment.

    WSJ: China's Pollution Fight Faces Resistance

  • So in 1990 Patton left to start Inhale with another local researcher, Robert Platz.

    FORBES: Waiting to Inhale

  • Brenda Sirovich, another Dartmouth researcher, published a study last year that provided an important clue.

    NEWYORKER: The Cost Conundrum

  • The accusation against Komuro in a blog is strongly reminiscent of the scandal involving Hiroaki Matsubara, another prominent researcher who recently resigned from his position after numerous retractions and investigations.

    FORBES: Suspicions Raised About Another Japanese Cardiovascular Researcher

  • Two years ago another Harvard researcher, Tanya Smith, found that by the time we first faced our beetle-browed cousins, their childhoods were not only briefer than ours, they were shrinking possibly an evolutionary "effort" to continue the species by getting to childbearing age sooner.

    WSJ: Neanderthals: Why Us and Not Them?

  • Years later, deciding to become an author and researcher was another key decision that I will always be glad I made.

    FORBES: To Continue Growing, Quit The Big Job

  • In another email, he tells the researcher the date of the first hearing and updates her on the case of another Libyan journalist.

    WSJ: Censorship Inc.: Life Under the Gaze of Gadhafi's Spies

  • The second sentence is apparently a reference to another study, authored by researcher John Breitner and published in the Nov. 6 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, that indicated that estrogen replacement might help prevent Alzheimer's but also that there was a big time lag--about a decade--between taking the drugs and seeing any benefit.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Researcher Katja Schmidt criticised another site for suggesting some herbal medicines could cure cancer.

    BBC: Warning over cancer websites

  • The researcher thought to add another factor to the credit-scoring model: the competitiveness of the schools the students attended.

    FORBES: Practical Implications

  • In another talk, Ryerson University graduate researcher Paul Vet showed that geotagged tweets themselves can be aggregated to determine sensitive details like where a user lives or works.

    FORBES: Researchers Show How Twitter, Twitpic Make Stalking Simple

  • Another benefit, says Mark Kay, a researcher at the Stanford University School of Medicine, could come for gene therapy.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The authors find that when a prominent researcher moves from one city to another, his peers in the origin city are less likely to cite his patents.

    ECONOMIST: Free exchange

  • Another count of 54 users by Melissa Elliott, a researcher with security firm Veracode working in her spare time, found that all but one user hit by the attack had registered before the same cutoff date.

    FORBES: Twitter Hack Mostly Hit Early-Adopter, Well-Connected Users (And Probably President Obama)

  • "One way or another, most cancers activate it, " says Whitehead Institute researcher David Sabatini.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Another top Kaggle performer is Alisson Azzolini, an artificial intelligence researcher from Brazil.

    FORBES: Kaggle's Predictive Data Contest Aims To Fix Health Care

  • Put another way, it is the difference between supporting an inexpensive researcher who will discover more efficient, future solar panels and supporting a Solyndra at great expense to produce lots of inefficient, present-technology solar panels.

    WSJ: Bjorn Lomborg: Climate-Change Misdirection

  • ScienceDirect can notify a researcher each time one of his articles is cited in another published work, a big ego-boost for scientists.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It is quite another to use it for forecasting because to do that the researcher has to predict how political and other conditions will change.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • In another spot, created by ad agency Publicis of Dallas, part of Publicis Groupe, GSK researcher Eliot Ohlstein talks of losing his father to heart disease while Ohlstein toiled for 20 years to develop Coreg.

    FORBES: Spin Doctors

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