• The schoolboys he taught before and after the second world war, and the war itself, cast a blight on his view of humanity.

    ECONOMIST: William Golding

  • Never was the mismatch between the idea of the war and the war itself more apparent.

    NEWYORKER: Coming Apart

  • It evoked all sorts of emotions and comments about the war itself and what America's role ought to be in that part of the world.

    CNN: Viewers write in to help Iraq's 'miracle baby'

  • And the young are driven by a convergence story: Whereas their fathers were divided by the history of war and their grandfathers by war itself, today's young people are only separated from each other by the sound plugs in their ears.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Heavy on multimedia, the exhibition begins nearly 3, 000 years ago, by at least 776BC, when the Greek empire covered much of Europe and was at war with itself.

    BBC: The story of the Olympics, with a bit of flair

  • He grew up in the quiet environment of a comfortably well-off family, whose attitudes had been shaped by memories of the War itself and the uncertainty of the post-War austerity years.

    CNN: Rolling Stones celebrate 50 years of raucous rock'n'roll

  • The Middle Eastern press is full of harsh words about American aggression and pictures of the civilian victims that Iraq has put on display, whipping the public into a fury, both at the war itself and at their own governments' failure to take a tougher line against it.

    ECONOMIST: Trouble on the doorstep

  • Picula told Reuters Del Ponte and Racan would probably seek to speed up the process of tracking down and extraditing war criminals and added that the Croatian judiciary itself would also want to play an active part.

    CNN: Croatian papers

  • But he would not have undergone the psychological damage of two crushing defeats that still lay ahead, and he would not have been presiding over a country at war in Southeast Asia and with itself.

    NEWYORKER: Wag the Dog

  • The war itself, and the prolonged diplomatic wrangle that preceded it, have been widely blamed for holding back economic growth worldwide.

    ECONOMIST: Helping Iraq, and the world, to recover | The

  • The start of his second term coincides with mounting concern in countries that have sent troops over casualty numbers and the progress of the war itself.

    BBC: Afghan President Hamid Karzai urged to deliver results

  • This would enable the Bush administration to declare a kind of victory (for its latest strategy, if not for the war itself) and to begin drawing down the troop levels soon.

    NPR: U.S. Troops Surge Toward an Exit in Iraq

  • So he believes that maybe the quid pro quo for helping the Americans on all this - even if it is only limited help - will be to have less Western criticism of Russian action in Chechnya itself and the war there.

    BBC: Jonathan Charles in Moscow

  • Some argue that the uncertainties caused first by the prospect of war and now by the conflict itself are the only obstacle to a sustained recovery.

    ECONOMIST: Time for a rethink | The

  • Our new and fragile country was at war with itself.

    FORBES: The Meaning Of Memorial Day

  • But also pain and bewilderment at the confusions of war itself, the shocking photographs of the innocent dead, the media experts with their daily questioning of how things are being run.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Archbishop's address in full

  • In his many writings he identified it, explained its roots -- including, most notably, Wahhabism as practiced and promoted by Saudi Arabia -- and warned of its plans to infiltrate and make war on the United States itself.


  • We understand that the issue of immunity is of very specific importance for the United States, as was for us the issue of sovereignty and detentions and the continued presence of international forces in Afghan villages and the very conduct of the war itself.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Karzai Hold a Press Conference | The White House

  • In and of itself only a preparation for war, mobilization was nevertheless considered an act of war, as failure to respond quickly and if necessary, violently would result in an overwhelming advantage to the enemy.


  • In and of itself only a preparation for war, mobilization was nevertheless considered an act of war, as failure to respond quickly -- and if necessary, violently -- would result in an overwhelming advantage to the enemy.


  • Unable to offer its own citizens anything other than poverty and fear, it was also unable to prevent itself from being hijacked by drug barons, war lords and jihadists of every stripe, from those who merely hoped to establish a new caliphate in central Asia to those whose target was the heart of the world's most powerful nation.

    ECONOMIST: The Himalayan kingdom is a gathering menace

  • Despite Iceland's status as a member of the pro-Western North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and as an initial supporter of the war in Iraq, it has found itself appealing to Eastern countries like Russia--and, reportedly, China--in a desperate bid for cash.

    FORBES: Market Scan

  • But war itself is never glorious, and we must never trumpet it as such.

    CNN: Obama: 'Peace requires responsibility'

  • "There are fears that the CPA itself will be breached and the war against the South will be reignited, " she said.

    BBC: Sudan debate

  • Ritual gives us things like the glorified warrior class the brave knights or super-soldiers and sets the stage for the glorification of war itself.

    FORBES: Game Of The Year Contender: 'Spec Ops The Line'

  • We're going to help this government become a government that can defend, govern and sustain itself and an ally in the war on terror.

    CNN: Bush transcript, part 2: How Rumsfeld move was made

  • Post-war Germany bound itself with rules and treaties in order to resist past temptations: a strong constitution to restrain politicians, fiscal rules to banish hyperinflation, the EU to tame nationalism.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • In and of itself, the fact that the war has already reached a stalemate constitutes a complete failure of the administration's stated aim of protecting innocent Libyan civilians from slaughter.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's altruistic foreign policy

  • Is there at the heart of this an official neurosis about telling the public too much, for fear of losing their support for the so-called "war on terror" and for the government itself?

    BBC: Is truth a victim?

  • Six decades have passed since the Korean War and South Korea is well able to defend itself.

    FORBES: The "New" North Korea: Prisons With Designer Hand-Cuffs

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