• Any customer who gets off the shuttle bus comes into a lobby to rent and sees the large doorways to the Exotic Car showroom.

    WSJ: The Rise of the Rent-a-Porsche

  • Urban combat is the deadliest form of warfare, not least because the Taliban or Iraqi insurgents love to fortify buildings and booby-trap doorways and windows, as in the Battle of Fallujah.

    FORBES: Wacky Weapons #1: Water Cooler Bombs Blow Holes in Walls

  • During the Lime Street experiment, other things happened that were supposed to occur only in a fire fuelled by liquid accelerant: charring along the base of the walls and doorways, and burning under furniture.

    NEWYORKER: Trial by Fire

  • People flock outside your office (and buzz at your digital doorways) with dire warnings and the need for quick answers.

    FORBES: How to Stop Reacting and Start Leading

  • The researchers were able to see the boundaries of houses previously unknown to them, and were even able to make out the doorways of these dwellings.

    ECONOMIST: Archaeology: What lies beneath | The

  • These concerns hit a visiting correspondent once contact is made with one of the many groups of young men hanging out on the street corners and doorways of Algiers.

    ECONOMIST: Algeria

  • Ando simplified the 53, 800-square-foot space by aligning doorways and hanging a giant white veil under the glass atrium to diffuse the natural light.

    WSJ: Collecting Art With Fran?ois Pinault

  • Women, children and men in long robes appeared from the doorways of their homes.

    CNN: 's Karl Penhaul

  • Two magnificent doorways pierce the walls and there's access to sections of the walls that look down on the tiled roofs of the houses and their gardens.

    BBC: The perfect trip: Tuscany

  • Today as most days, offerings are being placed in the doorways of the houses and ornate family temples, at ground level to ward off demonic spirits and higher up to welcome the sun.

    BBC: High spirits in Bali

  • At the preliminary hearing, prosecutors presented evidence of what they said was considerable planning by Holmes prior to the shooting, including trips to the theater to photograph interior and exterior doorways and a complicated web of improvised explosives at his apartment.

    CNN: Judge agrees to delay plea for theater shooting suspect

  • But they don't plan to sell, she said, noting they had the home built with wide doorways and few stairs to accommodate them as they get older.

    WSJ: Luxury Real Estate: Living Off the Land

  • Chronologically, the movie stretches through the Second World War and beyond, although history is not so much confronted as glimpsed in doorways or overheard in the dark.

    NEWYORKER: The Weeping Meadow

  • Users can simply mount the entire flashlight and charger as a unit by doorways and entryways to hazardous locations, thus providing a highly convenient and fully charged portable light source whenever it is needed.

    ENGADGET: Explosion-proof flashlight could be the first to outlive its owner

  • Perhaps women make it to the doorways of those impressive corner offices and realize that they will never have what it takes to succeed there namely, guaranteed, unpaid domestic care for their kids, enjoyed by every generation of executives that came before them.

    FORBES: Do Men Need to Act Like Women to Succeed as Fathers?

  • Outside of festival times, the quiet village offers a dose of understated Algarvian charm: sun-baked white houses feature Moorish design details, such as coloured bars around the doorways, while the petite central square is flanked by a lovely 16th-century church and a tiny cafe selling delicious homemade pastries, cakes and ice cream.

    BBC: The other side of the Algarve

  • The Belarusians carted boxloads of old curtains down from the attic to use as sops against the doorways, but the moment the last boxload reached the bottom of the stairs the doors popped and the waters entered.

    NEWYORKER: Fjord of Killary

  • To get there, you have to pass a row of splendid shikumen (traditional stone-gate houses) , and the old-Shanghai textures continue once inside, with red-brick interior walls and reproduced stone gateways above doorways to rooms which are simple, but smart.

    BBC: The sharpest rooms in Shanghai

  • Flames spread along the walls, bursting through doorways, blistering paint and tiles and furniture.

    NEWYORKER: Trial by Fire

  • It has thousands of owners, but those owners recognize that it makes no sense for them to hire lawyers and investigators to walk the streets of New York, listening in doorways to see if they're entitled to a 10-cent royalty for the public performance of their tune.

    FORBES: The YouTube Solution

  • They widened doorways, built a ramp to the back door and made the bathroom handicapped-accessible.

    CNN: Building free homes for wounded vets

  • Other distinctive Cuban features include vitrales -- multi-coloured glass panes fitted above doorways to pleasantly diffuse the tropical sunrays -- and entresuelos, mezzanine floors built to accommodate live-in slave families.

    BBC: Cuba��s eclectic architecture

  • As they left the apartment, they bumped into each other, and Con recalled that doorways narrow when new lovers try to go through them together.

    NEWYORKER: Brooklyn Circle

  • Meanwhile, the space itself, with its bricks and mortar, beams and open doorways, persists patiently, only ever truly revealed in these in-between moments, when an artist can expose its poetry, before ordinary human use once more renders it banal.

    WSJ: London Artists and Curators Ponder the Unconventional With Unique Spaces

  • They filmed interviews with bankers, financial commentators, and homeowners suffering foreclosure, and pulled together sorrowful footage of stable neighborhoods both prosperous and working class slipping into dereliction, with junk-laden yards, boarded-up doorways, and squatters taking control of abandoned houses and charging rent to the homeless.

    NEWYORKER: American Casino

  • Here, defeated-looking prostitutes and pumped-up bouncers stand in doorways, drug dealers skulk in alleyways, and drunks make slow and unsteady progressions along the pavement.

    BBC: Sydney��s bohemian heartland

  • Rooms - all of them suites - put a great emphasis on a sense of place, with Mexican architecture and furniture, domed ceilings, arched doorways, white stucco and lots of floor to ceiling windows and sliding doors to let in the breeze.

    FORBES: Las Ventanas al Paraiso, Los Cabos, Mexico

  • Walking through the door is like opening the window on an advent calendar: the walls are painted a vivid raspberry, and wintry draughts are kept at bay by thick red curtains across stone doorways.

    BBC: Krak��w, inside out

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