• "He definitely needs to go back and take exams, " said Jack Peng, a golf agent who is serving as an adviser to Guan's family.

    WSJ: Guan Tianlang: A Schoolboy Steals Day One of the Masters

  • As well as simplifying university applications, this would be intended to help pupils with hayfever, who at present have to revise and take exams when their condition can be at its worst.

    BBC: You are in: Education

  • The pupil will take one of the exams and will then take the other paper the next day.

    BBC: 'Four exams a day' nightmare

  • The original plan had been for the first candidates to start EBC courses in 2015 and take the new-look exams two years later.

    BBC: Ofqual may step in over speedy GCSE shake-up

  • The original plan had been for the first candidates to start courses in 2015 and take the new-look exams two years later, initially in three core subject areas - English, maths and sciences - with an extension later to history, geography and languages.

    BBC: Education & Family

  • We've heard for years the ridiculous argument that the presidents put the student first in student athletes, and that a playoff would take too much time and keep them from their final exams.

    CNN: Big-time college football deserves a playoff

  • These would be in addition to the state English, math and Regents exams that students already take.

    FORBES: New York City to Roll Out New Tests to Rate Teachers

  • But it follows long-standing complaints by the teachers that the computerized exams take up too much instructional time and force schools to close off computer labs for long stretches to administer the exams.

    WSJ: Seattle Teachers Protest Exams

  • Federal officials said they have analyzed the scores and feel confident cheating didn't take place in the U.S. exams, noting the exams are administered and scored by federal contractors.

    WSJ: City Schools Gain in Reading, Math

  • We in the UK have for the exams we take at 16 and 18 just such national ( and competing) exam boards.

    FORBES: Arnold Kling's New Model for Education Already Exists

  • The subsequent results show that the children who received vouchers were 15-20% more likely to finish secondary education, five percentage points less likely to repeat a grade, scored a bit better on scholastic tests and were much more likely to take college entrance exams.

    ECONOMIST: Education vouchers: Free to choose, and learn | The

  • Those applying for British citizenship will take exams on various aspects of the UK and its society and ultimately attend a ceremony where they will swear an oath of allegiance.

    BBC: Bishop backs asylum plans

  • She has missed out on qualification for the World Championships taking place in China this month because she was ill for the first qualifying event and didn't take part in the second because of exams.

    BBC: Decision time for British swimmer Achieng Ajulu-Bushell

  • You will need to take 300 hours of classes and pass both written and practical exams.

    ECONOMIST: The terrible threat of unlicensed interior designers

  • Proponents say the August start dates allow more instruction time before students take mandatory state achievement tests and Advanced Placement and college-entrance exams.

    WSJ: School in August Gets Low Grades

  • But even private schools, which have the most money and best teachers, find it hard to accommodate those who want to take exams a lot earlier than their peers.

    ECONOMIST: Education

  • The defendant has taken an aggressive tack in his trial, asking for a new judge, making the motion that his court-appointed attorneys be fired and formally requesting that he not have to take court-ordered mental competency exams.

    CNN: Agent: Moussaoui 'could fly ... into the WTC'

  • Students torn between watching England's first Euro 2000 match and doing last-minute revision for their exams were given official blessing to take the evening off.

    BBC: Football antidote to exam fever

  • The third change will be to allow clever pupils to take exams early, or even skip some of them altogether, and start more advanced courses while at school.

    ECONOMIST: Exams

  • But to meet admissions standards for Ivy League schools, Luke had to take such a heavy load of courses, advanced-placement exams and extracurricular activities that he worked seven days a week for almost two years.

    WSJ: High School, in Three Years

  • Brian Lightman, the general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, says there is no evidence that linear exams are more rigorous than those taken in modules - and that schools in England should be free to choose which exams their pupils take.

    BBC: GCSE changes bring UK differences under devolution

  • This happens when two exams - perhaps an A-level and an AS-level re-take - are timetabled for the same time.

    BBC: 'Four exams a day' nightmare

  • Mr. D'Aloisio, who lives with his parents and younger brother near the southwest London suburb of Wimbledon, said he will stay at home for the time being and remain on a kind of sabbatical from King's College School while continuing to take some "exams outside of school" in order to prepare for eventual university enrollment.

    WSJ: At 17, App Builder Rockets to Riches From Yahoo Deal

  • There are few firm consequences for students who don't take the exams, though in New York City, students could lose access to elite middle and high schools that use the exams in admissions decisions.

    WSJ: State Tests Spark Ire, Analysis

  • Employees take exams or demonstrate to managers that they have mastered certain skills, such as analyzing air samples and performing radiation surveys.

    WSJ: Fine-Tuning the Perfect Employee

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