• Key competitor nations have very different financial systems and corporations in many nations are not run principally for the benefit of shareholders.

    FORBES: American Decline: More Wishful Thinking from the Naysayers

  • Occurring in the developed world and in many emerging nations as well, it seems inspired by gains at the top as well as by struggles in the middle and below to retain spending power in a global economy drifting toward stagflation.

    FORBES: Side Lines

  • Third, the failed states in Africa and the oxymoronic governments in many African nations create serious politico-military vacuums that terrorists groups can fill and exploit for nefarious ends.


  • And in many of these nations, any data plan (not to mention one with a large data cap) is prohibitively expensive for much of the population.

    ENGADGET: Firefox OS is repeating the mistakes of others and hoping for a different outcome

  • More public education is needed on the huge cost that lack of access to safe water is having on health, education and economic development in many nations.

    FORBES: CEO of WaterAid America David Winder Calls For More Public Education On Water Issues

  • As a user of tens of billions of gallons of water in its food and beverage operations globally, including in many nations facing water shortages, PepsiCo has recently adopted a water policy dedicated to fulfilling the human right to water as defined by the United Nations.

    FORBES: 'Pepsi Refresh' Is Not PepsiCo's True CSR Effort

  • Cardinals from Latin America have seen the tremendous inequalities that exist in their countries firsthand, and many played a role in their nations' transition to democracy, he said.

    CNN: Catholic Latin America eyes conclave

  • Because we believe in human dignity, America and many nations have joined together to confront the evil of trafficking in human beings.

    CNN: Transcript of Bush's U.N. address

  • It is trying to get two designs for advanced reactors certified for use in the U.S. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and is marketing the reactors in many other nations, including throughout Asia.

    WSJ: GE Steps Up Aid in Reactor Crisis

  • The assertions were never substantiated, but DDT was banned in many nations and became nearly impossible to obtain in those nations that still permitted its usage.

    FORBES: The Black Death: Longing For The Good Old Days

  • By generously giving away oil to companies such as PetroCaribe and many nations represented in the OAS, Chavez has brought them around to his revolutionary cause.


  • Although not widely played in the United States, badminton -- viewed as one of the fastest racket sports -- is popular in many European and Asian nations.


  • The program's message was sinister and obvious: Washington in recent years has been manipulating the politics of many nations, including Ukraine, Georgia, and Kyrgyzstan, working to spark velvet or soft revolutions in these countries.

    NPR: Iran Airs Interviews with Two U.S. Detainees

  • In recent months some of the leading well funded charities have begun to realise that the essentially unfunded arguments of our Centre for Accountability and Debt Relief can do more to help the poor in many of these over borrowed and criminally exploited nations.

    BBC: Why debt relief will not benefit poor

  • Israel is a key ally and partner, and Israel has a profound interest in the effort to pressure Iran into abiding by its international obligations, as do many nations in the region and the world.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Many officials and analysts in both nations have come to believe building a new facility as unrealistic.

    WSJ: U.S., Japan Scale Back Plan to Move Base

  • With an estimated 750 or more satellites currently in orbit and many more nations now seeking to launch satellites than ever before overall collision hazards are expected to increase.

    WSJ: Falling Satellite Debris Might Hit U.S.

  • Also, gold has become more attractive due to worries about other traditional reserve assets such as bonds, particularly with high debt levels in many European nations and the U.S., analysts said.

    FORBES: Central Banks Buying To Diversify And Manage Risk

  • The clean skies tax might even break the rules of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the International aviation agreements, according to many nations in the group who are scrambling to find clauses in bilateral agreements and international trade laws that would force Europe to end the carbon tax.

    FORBES: EU May Pay Price For New Clean Air Tax

  • This principle has gained fame (and an equal measure of notoriety) in the last few years and is now a guiding principle in environmental policy and decision making with the United Nations and many countries around the world.

    FORBES: InfosysVoice: Internally or externally, the environment figures in a business plan

  • The United Nations and many countries in the world consider Israeli settlements illegal and an impediment to the peace process.


  • It says that the widespread production and consumption of harmful chemicals forbidden in many developed nations are still found in China.

    BBC: China acknowledges 'cancer villages'

  • Because we believe in human dignity, America and many nations have established a global fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

    CNN: Transcript of Bush's U.N. address

  • Because we believe in human dignity, America and many nations have changed the way we fight poverty, curb corruption and provide aid.

    CNN: Transcript of Bush's U.N. address

  • What we have now is not capitalism but a bastardized version where our distribution of wealth and income is worse than in many Third World nations.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Because we believe in human dignity, America and many nations have acted to lift the crushing burden of debt that limits the growth of developing economies and holds millions of people in poverty.

    CNN: Transcript of Bush's U.N. address

  • So he carries with him to France the fact that we are pushing our Congress to act on these matters, and he comes as the leader of the largest economy in the world and a great friend and ally of a great many nations, so I think we continue to have a significant leading role to play at the G20 and other international fora.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • For the same reasons, the subject was not included in many public speeches, Congressional testimony and the Secretary of State's United Nations presentation in early 2003.

    CNN: Text of CIA Director George Tenet's statement

  • Just as central banks in China, India, Russia and many other nations view gold as a monetary reserve protection against the falling dollar, major academic institutions are looking for new asset classes like precious metals and commodities to produce returns that can be put to work as a source of funds for a large portion of college operating expenses.

    FORBES: University of Texas Endowment Holds $1 Billion Gold, 5% Of Its Portfolio

  • Germany, Denmark, Australia, Sweden, Norway, India, Nepal, Ttbet and Israeli clearly a leader in Solar companies and Renewable Energy is helping many World Wide and a long list of Nations Going Solar even Iran with its Archimedes Tower.

    FORBES: Dow Chemical buys NuvoSun for making solar shingles

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