• He won a football scholarship to a small Midwestern college, earned a law degree, and ascended rapidly from the city council of the small town of West Miami, to Florida's state legislature, to the Senate.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • Mayer, 36, joined Google in 1999 as its first female engineer and 20th employee and quickly ascended the executive ranks, first as VP of search and now as VP of local and maps.

    FORBES: Will Google's Marissa Mayer Help Solve Wal-Mart's Woman Problem?

  • Some of them started their own businesses, while others joined established ones and quickly ascended.

    FORBES: America's Most Powerful CEOs 40 And Under

  • When he returned to the states in 1898 he was elected Governor of New York and quickly ascended to the presidency.

    FORBES: Hillary Goes Private: What's Next For America's Most Powerful Woman?

  • He was a tireless promoter of the railways and of himself, and he ascended swiftly, heading provincial bureaus on his way to the seat of power in Beijing.

    NEWYORKER: Boss Rail

  • Something unprecedented had happened: Capitalism and freedom had ascended.

    FORBES: 150 Years After The Emancipation Proclamation, Are We Free?

  • After being driven through the streets of broken glass and police lines, he ascended to a suite on an upper floor at the Westin Hotel and flipped on local news, where he saw for the first time the scenes of chaos that had raged all around his hotel earlier that day.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Business: Rage Against The Machine

  • By then, a helicopter was on its way -- from which a paramedic at one point descended to check on Jack, and into which she ascended on her way eventually to a nearby hospital.

    CNN: See daring rescue of hiker

  • What began as an irritant when Harbhajan and Zaheer launched into the second new ball on Saturday ascended into a major migraine for Ricky Ponting and his bowlers by the time stumps were drawn on the third evening with India on 313-8.

    BBC: Australian pair dent Indian hopes

  • As we ascended up over mountains and down into a deep valley, my pilot, Melissa Hough, pointed out Disappointment River.

    BBC: Kluane, Canada (Credit: Parks Canada/Fritz Mueller)

  • For a lot of Kenyans, ODM was something more of a savior, and they believe that if ODM ascended to power, then probably the level of the fighting we are seeing right would have been dealt with.

    NPR: A Kenyan in the U.S. Helps His Family Escape

  • Some suggest the decline began in 2007 when Gul ascended to the presidency, and Mr Erdogan lost a lone restraining hand.

    BBC: Viewpoint: What now for Turkey's ruling party?

  • In 1994 he ascended to chief financial officer and became president in 1999 after reportedly participating in a coup that unseated former chief executive Jon Corzine, now governor of New Jersey.

    FORBES: No Thain, No Gain

  • Earlier this year he ascended to the CEO spot, and soon he will add the chairman title.

    FORBES: The CIO Upgrade

  • The chapter on surviving at high altitude, for example, tells the story of James Glaisher and Henry Coxwell, who, in 1862, ascended in a balloon to an altitude of about 10, 000 metres (33, 000 feet).

    ECONOMIST: The science of survival

  • The Vatican itself owns what it believes to be a fragment of the table from the Last Supper and marble stairs that are the same ones Jesus ascended on His way to appear before Pontius Pilate.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • While journalists ascended Snowdon by mountain railway, Lord Coe and the team of climbers trekked their way to the top.

    BBC: London 2012: Four Paralympic flames kindled around the UK

  • We'd just ascended 6, 000 feet in the jeep, and I felt a little dizzy as I unpacked.

    WSJ: Man Versus the Volcano

  • There was a time two or three years ago when Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld and some other people in the Pentagon were very much the ascended influences in the run up to the Iraq invasion.

    NPR: President Bush's Sept. 11 Political Challenge

  • Mr. Grahame-Smith ascended the ranks of Hollywood quickly, gaining leverage with studios and producers after more than a decade of trying to break in.

    WSJ: Seth Grahame-Smith: The Master of the Mash-Up

  • One by one the warriors ascended the stage Sunday evening to receive their commendations for battlefield valor and heroism during the war with Hizbullah last summer.


  • The first one, that is, since 30 April 1975, when Graham Martin had ascended to the roof of the embassy in Saigon with the stars and stripes tucked under his arm and climbed on to a helicopter.

    BBC: Pete Peterson: The ex-POW teaching Vietnam to swim

  • Andrew Johnson, who ascended to the presidency after Abraham Lincoln's assassination, was tried and acquitted in the last presidential impeachment trial 131 years ago.

    CNN: Final impeachment votes set for Friday

  • Seeing the spot where Mohammed ascended to heaven was an inspirational experience that I shall never forget, and I count myself privileged to have seen it.

    BBC: Is the Middle East peace process dead?

  • She ascended through the ranks there, handling duties that included investor relations, planning and asset liability management.

    FORBES: People

  • "Left unchecked, power generation and heat would have limited the devices we build today and the ones we could imagine in the future, " says Otellini, who recently ascended to the chief executive post at Intel .


  • "Left unchecked, power generation and heat would have limited the devices we build today and the ones we could imagine in the future, " says Otellini, who recently ascended to the chief executive post at Intel (nasdaq: INTC - news - people ).

    FORBES: Chief Executive Paul Otellini

  • He ascended the stairs at the end of the passageway, nudged open the trapdoor, and entered the passageway that ran lengthwise between Ford's and the Star Saloon next door.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Manhunt'

  • That afternoon, Lanier ascended the stairs to his studio, picking his way past an overflowing garbage can and a forest of microphone stands, and seated himself before a tall golden harp.

    NEWYORKER: The Visionary

  • Mr. Coben, who had written seven Myron Bolitar novels by then, quickly ascended to the ranks of best-selling crime novelists such as Michael Connelly, David Baldacci and Janet Evanovich.

    WSJ: Harlan Coben Floods the Zone

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