• It makes me feel so bad, all the suffering in Haiti, she sighs.

    BBC: Tropical Storm Tomas: Tense evacuations in Haiti

  • "I think about all the suffering, all the pain all the hurt of so many people, " said Rep. John Lewis.

    CNN: Tears of joy accompany Obama nomination

  • "It shows the patience of our people, trying to stay afloat despite all the suffering, " said Tehran Mayor Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf.

    WSJ: Candidates Air Grim Views of Iran's Economy

  • And you know, of all the suffering that's taken place as a result of this session(ph), the least unnecessary aspect of that is hungry kids, because we have programs that work.

    NPR: Child Hunger: Nutritious Food Tough To Afford

  • Tell me, when will they see all the suffering?

    NPR: Anthony Hamilton: 'Ain't Nobody Worryin'

  • The result might have been a poorer, meaner, more divided and less innovative society, with all the invisible suffering that entails.

    FORBES: Grand New Party

  • We only had a tiny snapshot of what was happening, and I'm no expert, but as things look now without international pressure on all sides the suffering and the killing in Darfur will not end.

    CNN: Darfur diary: No end to the killing

  • The fact that the ladies in Philadelphia decided to take their stand against Israel and that that Clinton and Obama attack Israel for building homes for Jews in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria while they all ignore the suffering of the women of Islam speaks volumes about the degradation of the West under the Left's social and political leadership.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The feminist deception

  • "A political solution is the gateway to solving the humanitarian suffering of all the Syrian people and without it, efforts by the international community will remain a waste of time, " said an editorial in Al-Bayan.

    BBC: Middle East

  • And we are all suffering the consequences of the indiscriminate and incomplete use of antibiotics, the wonder drugs of a half-century ago.

    FORBES: The Internet's Unintended Revenge

  • Some of the death screams of enemies are almost "Monty Python-esque" and the humor helps take the edge off all the dying and suffering that goes on around you.


  • In fact when I try to account for all the pain and suffering in our country I usually see good people making bad decisions rather than helpless people ground down by the impersonal forces of politics and economics.

    FORBES: Three Steps to Making Better Decisions

  • Kidd compiled 12, 091 assists (one of five players to reach 10, 000), won a title with the Dallas Mavericks and, most impressively of all, led the long-suffering New Jersey Nets to the finals twice a once-unthinkable feat.

    WSJ: Jason Kidd, New York Knicks: Jason Kidd Retires

  • The lawsuits, pain and suffering for all involved, the questions of hybridized genetic drift, far too massive, scientifically complex, and global in scope to even intimate in an opinionated response to a vested opinion.

    FORBES: A Call to Agricultural Action

  • American and Zionist imperialism was at the root of all the world's suffering.

    ECONOMIST: Teaching history in Iraq

  • All those suffering in the African nation are in his prayers, he said.

    CNN: Pope Francis washes youths' feet at detention center

  • As a result, Somalis find themselves in a kind of ethnic limbo, suffering all the disadvantages of isolation and none of the advantages.

    ECONOMIST: Britain's newest immigrants are having a bad time

  • But it was Germany that insisted on the pact's tough rules in the first place: it had feared that, once the single currency was adopted, irresponsible financial behaviour by one euro member country would cause suffering to all the others by raising their cost of borrowing.

    ECONOMIST: Chirac storms the stability pact | The

  • Recognising the potential of HIV treatment to prevent infections could slow, even halt the epidemic, and spare people the physical and mental suffering that the infection all too often entails.

    BBC: HIV drugs 'could stop virus spread'

  • In the coming months and years, he and his supporters will continue pressing their case on all fronts and suffering setbacks on many, but knowing that all the time out in society, the tide of history is moving inexorably in.

    BBC: Poll boosts Khatami reform bid

  • It's given me a new appreciation for doctors who successfully deliver thousands of babies, and most of all for the heroics of women -- especially my wife -- in that moment, suffering through all they suffer through for the sake of bringing life into the world.

    CNN: Delivering my son: 'Breathe, baby, breathe!'

  • For all of the hashtags and well wishes, the suffering of those affected by the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile or the tsunami in northeastern Japan remain all too real.

    FORBES: Action is the True Measure of Engagement

  • One reason for the ex-communist countries' relative fortune is that they are not a homogenous block all of which is suffering in the same way.

    ECONOMIST: Eastern Europe's economies

  • The Guinness Premiership side suffered an early blow when Cuthbert was forced off early in the second half, getting his tackling position all wrong and suffering a nasty blow to the head as a result.

    BBC: Cardiff Blues 24-18 Bath

  • The woman prays in submission to Allah all the while noting her abject suffering in his name.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Hirsi Ali's challenge to humanity

  • "All of the reporters who are suffering this kind of intimidation are reporters who have investigated human rights violations or who have had to testify because of our investigations, " Mr Weibel said.

    BBC: Chile journalist denounces military rule research theft

  • All over the world airlines are suffering.

    ECONOMIST: On a wing and a subsidy | The

  • Second-hand Asian flu: Xilinx's and Altera's customers are primarily in the data processing, communications and networking industries--all of which are suffering some effects from the Asian meltdown.

    FORBES: Not for war orphans

  • However, the massive floods that have recently struck the Pakistani people are causing great suffering and apprehension for all, and the domestic government and humanitarian communities are hard pressed to respond adequately.

    UNESCO: Office in Islamabad

  • Even more, some mediators are specially trained in helping a party navigate through the emotional issues involved in a business break-up, which many times can prevent the suffering party from negotiating or resolving the conflict all together.

    FORBES: ADIOS/SAYONARA: Kicking a Bad Business Relationship To The Curb

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