• This milestone in aeronautical history marks the first use of the sextant in air navigation.


  • To wit, Congress ought to abolish the FAA and privatize the air navigation system the way that Canada and other developed countries have.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Flight Delay Rebuke

  • The offer will apply to Canadian air carriers, including Air Canada, the country's largest and No. 10 in the world, airports and NAV Canada, which provides air navigation services.

    CNN: Canada to aid airlines, airports with insurance

  • The European Union's transport commissioner, Siim Kallas, promised greater co-ordination between the 38 member states of Eurocontrol, the body supposed to integrate air navigation services across Europe, and a more dynamic approach to risk assessment.

    ECONOMIST: The effect on business and leisure

  • "He was, accordingly, in breach of article 26 of the Air Navigation Order 2005 when he flew his helicopter on September 15 2007 and should not have flown that machine at that time, " she said.

    BBC: Colin McRae blamed for fatal helicopter crash

  • This hardware was used to build a simulated aircraft that ran many of the systems found on commercial aircraft and could swap data via radio with the air traffic and navigation systems used in the real world.

    BBC: Hacker targets flight deck computer systems

  • Drivers would be able to choose their level of protection, and carmakers could compete on which model's networking features are the most elaborate, just as they do now on the number of air bags or navigation system features.

    FORBES: Car Talk

  • S-Type saloon, for example, which should hit the market next year, will allow a motorist to operate everything from the sound system to the air-conditioning to the navigation computer by voice.

    ECONOMIST: When crashing is not an option

  • But America's fears are economic as well as military: it suspects that the EU might try, for instance, requiring aircraft entering its air space to use Galileo-based navigation systems, to the detriment of American firms with products based on GPS. And European countries, China and the like might develop weapons that are compatible with Galileo rather than GPS, which would mean American defence firms losing a competitive advantage.

    ECONOMIST: Space race | The

  • Though direct revenues alone would not make Galileo profitable, adding in the indirect economic gains resulting from better navigation of land, sea and air vehicles would produce a benefit-to-cost ratio of as much as 4.6 to 1.

    ECONOMIST: Space race | The

  • Each of the department heads is an expert in one of the major ship departmental functions: Ship Operations, Intelligence, Propulsion, Engineering, Combat Systems, Supply, Air Operations, Aircraft Maintenance, Safety, Training, Navigation, Religious Ministries and Medical.

    FORBES: What Is It Like To Be The Commanding Officer Of An Aircraft Carrier?

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