• The reduction was agreed at a full council meeting earlier, during which the budget for 2013-14 was set.

    BBC: Lancashire County Hall, Preston

  • If the deal is ratified in January, it will bring the final-holdout flight attendants into the fold with Continental's other unions that have already agreed to cost-reduction plans.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • As I understand it, the pay-fors they put forward will require a change in the caps, a reduction in the caps agreed to in the Budget Control Act.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • But it acquired its key global pledge during the Johannesburg summit of 2002, when governments agreed to achieve a "significant reduction" in the rate of biological diversity loss by 2010.

    BBC: World's biodiversity 'crisis' needs action, says UN

  • Boris Yeltsin and I agreed in principle on this same reduction, and there was no way in the wide world he could get it through the Russian Duma that existed at the time in his second term.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with President Obama and President Clinton

  • That could change if Congress came to its senses, passed Barack Obama's jobs plan and agreed on a medium-term deficit-reduction deal by November.

    ECONOMIST: The world economy

  • The Internet Service Providers Association agreed that customers would not necessarily benefit from any price reduction.

    BBC: BT told to cut internet charges

  • Earlier, Plaid Cymru AM Rhodri Glyn Thomas, who made the request to obtain the documents, said: "The FOI information we have received shows S4C making it absolutely clear to DCMS that they would be acting unlawfully and would indeed be in a situation of ultra vires if they agreed to return any money or indeed agree to a reduction in their funding".

    BBC: Doubts over minister's claim S4C agreed ?2m cut

  • Republicans and Democrats agreed to budget cuts and a promise to pursue more deficit reduction actions in exchange for raising the debt ceiling.

    FORBES: Connect

  • The President and the congressional negotiators agreed to the Budget Control Act, which enacted significant deficit reduction, spending cuts, and called on Congress -- assigned to Congress the task of delivering additional deficit reduction.

    WHITEHOUSE: Gaggle aboard Air Force One en route Orlando, FL,

  • The new measures include tax incentives, discounts on new cars which automakers agreed to in return for the tax relief and a reduction in reserve requirements if banks direct resources to car financing.

    FORBES: Brazil Stimulus 'Unexciting' For Banks

  • Deficit reduction is an element of an economic strategy that we think is broadly agreed upon by Democrats and Republicans.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The Director-General and Mr Kuroda agreed to work together to institutionalize cooperation in the field of water management, disaster risk reduction and education.


  • Earlier this month, Belfast City Council agreed a rates freeze to help traders affected by the flags trouble but ruled out a reduction or payment holiday.

    BBC: Advertising campaign to help Belfast businesses

  • He then initiated and had sustained negotiations with the Speaker of the House, which while they did not bear fruit in the terms of an agreed-upon grand compromise, they made clear through that process that for significant deficit reduction to be achieved, beyond the initial round of spending cuts that are part of this agreement, there has to be balance.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Eurozone leaders agreed a plan in July, which has yet to be ratified, that provided for a reduction in Greece's repayments to banks of about 20%.

    BBC: Eurozone rescue plan 'emerging' as IMF and Greece talk

  • In the 2011 debt ceiling deal that ended a showdown over whether to increase the federal government's borrowing limit to meet its obligations, Congress and the White House agreed to include the automatic spending cuts of sequestration as motivation to pass a comprehensive deficit-reduction plan.

    CNN: Obama calls for short-term fix to imminent spending cuts

  • As you said, during the debt ceiling debate, a very solid majority -- I think maybe even higher than 70 percent -- agreed with the approach that I talked about, which was we should have a balanced approach to deficit reduction.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s News Conference on the American Jobs Act

  • Both sides agreed to speed up cutbacks in strategic nuclear weapons if the Russian parliament finally ratifies START II, the nuclear arms reduction treaty signed in 1993.

    CNN: Clinton And Yeltsin Agree To Disagree

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