• Instead of using the flawed commissions of the last seven years, my administration is bringing our commissions in line with the rule of law.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama: Our Security, Our Values

  • But following the Clinton Administration's policy of passivity has coincided with a trend away from freedom and the rule of law.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Chris Cox 1997 Keeper of the Flame remarks

  • It concludes that Latin America ranks above only Africa in terms of the rule of law and the prevalence of corruption, and compares poorly in the effectiveness of public administration.

    ECONOMIST: Yours discontentedly, Latin America

  • As the UN administration works on establishing standards of locally-run democratic governance and the rule of law, the last thing it wants is a return to the instability that was a hallmark of its first few years in Kosovo.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | Analysis: Kosovo violence sparks fears

  • This administration has put a real value on the rule of law and our values as Americans.

    WSJ: Holder Defends Phone-Records Seizure

  • "Furthermore, Congress should immediately hold public hearings with independent experts to examine the administration's legal reasoning and ensure that the administration is following the 'rule book' for the use of lethal force that already exists: international human rights law and, in the very narrow circumstances to which it applies, international humanitarian law, " the group said.

    CNN: Obama to release document on targeted killings to Congress

  • During the Chrysler bankruptcy, the Obama Administration showed its willingness to reorder the priority of creditors in a way that emphasized politics rather than the rule of law.

    FORBES: PBGC to American Airlines: "Be Nice"

  • Flush with the relative success of his first administration, FDR felt emboldened to micromanage the U.S. economy in ways that flouted the rule of law.

    FORBES: The VW Recovery

  • Iraqi-controlled trials will also help establish the rule of law in Iraq, claims the administration, providing the cornerstone of a new, sorely-needed legal system.

    ECONOMIST: The rule of law in Iraq

  • Yet rather than promoting the rule of law in a future Palestine, the Obama administration essentially urges us to accept that, because Palestinians will kill unprotected Jews, Jews cannot be permitted in a Palestinian state.

    WSJ: R. James Woolsey: The Ugly Premise of 'Settlement' Opponents

  • That's why my administration has begun to reshape the standards that apply to ensure that they are in line with the rule of law.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama: Our Security, Our Values

  • The reaction was predictable: Critics of the Act seized upon this revelation to denounce the Bush Administration as Big Brother, evidently viewing it as a more serious threat to American citizens and the rule of law than the enemies we need the Patriot Act to defeat.


  • Just look at what the Reagan administration said following Younis' capture: "This operation illustrates the intention and ability of the United States to invoke the rule of law in fighting terrorist lawlessness, " Attorney General Edwin Meese III declared at a news conference following the arrest.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • O'Neill and the Bush Administration should emphatically insist that the IMF encourage its clients to operate in accordance with five basic principles: the rule of law, sound money, low taxes, minimal government interference in the setting up and running of businesses, and the removal of trade barriers.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

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