• The director of education told us she regards the phrase as "misleading" - private industry shouldn't actually run the Action Zone, just come up with good ideas.

    BBC: Not on my shopping list

  • He was in a field 1km away from the action zone in an area where soldiers eat their lunch when he was shot and killed in May 2012.

    BBC: Michael Maguire

  • The soldier, a member of the 1st Battalion, The Royal Irish Regiment, who was 6ft 7in (2m) tall, was standing in a "safe" area where soldiers eat their lunch in a field a kilometre away from the action zone.

    BBC: Ranger Michael Maguire

  • Take the latest German-French missive, on December 7th: it speaks of euro-zone action on financial regulation, labour markets, a financial-transactions tax and the harmonisation of the corporate-tax base.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • There have been plenty of calls for a breakup of the Euro Zone but little action because of the perceived difficulty.

    FORBES: Soros: Euro Crisis Is Lethal, A Break Up Is Possible

  • Perhaps the politicians will be shocked into action, by a euro-zone bank run, a chaotic Greek exit, or flight from Italian government debt.

    ECONOMIST: The euro

  • This year, however, the dollar may very well go lower than the BRL1.64 level the government has basically set as their comfort zone before taking evasive action.

    FORBES: Brazil Fails to Save Dollar; Likely to Give up Trying

  • Mr. Siluanov said Russia had an agreement with the euro-zone countries to coordinate action, part of which would include Russia possibly easing the conditions of Cyprus's existing loan payments.

    WSJ: Russia Denounces Proposed Cyprus Bank Tax

  • In the interview, Mr. Davutoglu declined to say whether Turkey was planning more concrete action to set up a safe zone inside Syrian territory that would offer refuge to civilians caught in the violence.

    WSJ: Turkey Summit Promises Clash Over Syria

  • Hopefully, a solution equally good for Spain and the euro zone will be put into action, and soon.

    FORBES: Euro Zone Has a Model For Saving Spain's Banks -- the U.S.

  • As top European Union officials admit, decisive action in response to the euro-zone crisis has come about only when a government's ability to borrow has come under threat.

    WSJ: Good Omens But No Guarantees for Portugal

  • But Israeli officials are worried Tehran is rapidly approaching a point at which its nuclear-fuel production sites can no longer be removed through military action a so-called zone of immunity.

    WSJ: Iran Cools Nuclear Work as Vote Looms

  • But pressure from euro-zone finance ministers for stronger action is building: they will meet in February to approve a new Greek plan to fix its finances, which must be submitted to the European Commission this month.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • And each time, euro-zone finance ministers and politicians took action only when the markets forced them to do so.

    FORBES: Foolishly At The Brink!

  • The no-fly zone is a low-risk action with little ability to change the military reality that creates an impression of decisive action.

    FORBES: How A Libyan No-Fly Zone Could Backfire

  • Just to reiterate, we do -- first of all, I would say that there have been expressions of support from Congress for the concept of a no-fly zone, the concept of taking action in Libya.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The requirement, as he discussed, of taking some direct military action in order to effectively implement a no-fly zone is pretty clear.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • So I think that there has been support expressed in Congress for the action of protecting Libyan civilians, for a no-fly zone.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The new euro-zone fiscal rules, improved budget discipline and decisive action by the ECB mean "we have the room to make fiscal policy with a more medium-term perspective, " Mr. Rehn wrote in his blog.

    WSJ: In Small, Measured Steps, Europe Loosens Austerity

  • With the Obama administration unwilling to enforce the no-fly zone with US combat aircraft, unwilling to take action to depose Gaddafi and unwilling to cultivate responsible, pro-Western successors to Gaddafi, the angry tyrant will probably remain in power indefinitely.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's altruistic foreign policy

  • Cuban leaders said they will "act with the utmost restraint" and will take action to defend their territory only if the flotilla violates the security zone, an area anywhere from 12 to 20 miles outside of Cuba.

    CNN: Flotilla sets off for waters near Cuba

  • The clashes came as Yugoslav leaders vowed to take action against ethnic Albanians who they blame for attacks on Serbs in the buffer zone separating Kosovo from the rest of Serbia.

    CNN: Fighting on Macedonia-Kosovo border

  • The US justice department argues that Bagram differs from Guantanamo Bay because it is in an overseas war zone and prisoners there are being held as part of ongoing military action.

    BBC: 'No US rights' for Bagram inmates

  • The argument is that although the Bank of England may theoretically be making autonomous decisions, in practice its freedom of action will be completely constrained by the monetary policy of the much larger euro zone.

    ECONOMIST: John Bull stays at home

  • And then you look at well how do you mount any sort of military action - after all the RAF are engaged in military action, probably not almost as we speak, in the no-fly zone at the moment.

    BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Conservative Leader, Iain Duncan Smith MP

  • What was the case in Libya is that all those conditions were in place that created an opportunity where international, outside military action to prevent the slaughter of civilians, to enforce a no-fly zone, was an option that the international community could take.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And we are certainly looking at a resolution that will authorize the -- taking action on a variety of measures that include but go beyond a no-fly zone.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Mr. Holloway and Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Linda Gibbs introduced the new flood-zone map Friday as part of the city's Hurricane Sandy After Action report, an overview of the emergency response to one of the worst storms in New York City's history.

    WSJ: After Sandy, More in New York City Could Face Storm Evacuations

  • On Friday, Germany, the largest and most influential member of the euro zone, poured a degree of cold water on the hopes for more aggressive action by the ECB.

    FORBES: Not So Fast, Bernanke And Draghi Have Disappointed Before

  • When Pyongyang took the action, 573 South Koreans were staying at the Kaesong industrial complex, north of the demilitarized zone, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported.

    CNN: Workers stranded as North Korea closes border

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