• It said it would be looking at the resolution of "possible accounting, control and compliance issues...in certain countries".

    BBC: NEWS | Business | Adecco shares dive on audit fears

  • The people in the accounting department control you.

    FORBES: Who Has the Most Influence at Your Company? Hint: It's Probably Not the Person You're Thinking Of

  • He is using standard accounting to take control of the PA's mysterious finances and open them up for all to see.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The pattern began in the 1950s, when hugely expensive mainframe computers were first used to save correspondingly huge sums in information-intensive functions in the financial-services industry, then in accounting, payroll and inventory-control tasks in other big organisations.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • With genuine savings difficult, the government may try some accounting ruses to make spending look under control.

    ECONOMIST: Public spending

  • No expense is harder to control than labor, typically accounting for 25% to 35% of costs in such mine construction and most of the overruns.

    FORBES: The World's Billionaires

  • At the time, the exchange also expressed concerns about internal control issues related to Bodisen's accounting and financial reporting obligations.

    WSJ: FBI Search Offices of 'Reverse Merger' Player

  • In 1985 I became VP of Sales for a start-up called Applied Control Systems (ACS) that made PC based inventory and accounting software for restaurants.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Opaque company accounts remain an obstacle to a vigorous market for corporate control but next year the country is moving to international accounting standards which will improve disclosure.

    ECONOMIST: Fallen idol | The

  • Enron founder Kenneth Lay returned from semi-retirement in 2001 to resume control as CEO and reassure anxious employees and investors that rumors about funny accounting and insufficient reserves were untrue.

    NPR: Enron: On the Prosecution's List

  • Next year's introduction of consolidated accounting will force companies to take on to their books subsidiaries in which they have effective control, even though they may have only a minority stake.

    ECONOMIST: Worse to come

  • So from mid June to last Wednesday, UBS's risk-control systems did not detect that these big bets were being placed, because its internal accounting system was showing that bets in the opposite direction had also been placed.

    BBC: The how but not why of UBS's losing bets

  • Ellison has been in control for three decades, and only once was that even remotely in question, after an accounting debacle back in 1990.

    FORBES: Irreplaceable?

  • However, we can provide no assurance at this time that management will be able to report that our internal control over financial reporting is effective as of December 31, 2012, or that our registered public accounting firm will be able to attest that such internal controls are effective.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Shortly after the election, Mr Prescott commissioned Price Waterhouse, an accounting firm, to come up with proposals which would allow the underground to attract private investment while retaining overall public control.

    ECONOMIST: London Underground

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