• But my dear, of the new seven wonders of the world - and this was an initiative started by a Swiss corporation to choose the new seven wonders - not one of them is African.

    NPR: West African Drug Trade, War of Words in Sudan

  • It included pictures of me selling my company, starting a charity to empower others, visiting the Seven Wonders of the World, and it even included a photo of me getting married over in Africa (where my parents were living, doing humanitarian service at the time).

    FORBES: The Magic of the 2013 Goal Poster...You'll Have to Read It To Believe It!

  • Often listed as one of the seven natural wonders of the world, the falls and their surrounding gorges are a truly awe-inspiring sight.

    CNN: Victoria Falls ... without the bungee jumping

  • Yet if a human destroys the wonders of creation, the beauty of the natural world, then anthropocentric society calls such people loggers, miners, developers, engineers, and businessmen.

    NEWYORKER: Neptune��s Navy

  • Still, nothing could dampen the thrilling views on the west and north sides of the building (especially from the 2, 000-plus-square-foot Kohinoor Suite), which take in the entirety of the Queen's Necklace, the stretch of Marine Drive running along the city's Back Bay that, when lit up, truly resembles a vast string of pearls--one of the urban wonders of the world.

    FORBES: The Oberoi, Mumbai

  • It turns World Park, in Beijing, a theme park of tacky reduced-scale reproductions of cultural wonders (from the Taj Mahal to the Eiffel Tower), into a derisive microcosm of China.

    NEWYORKER: The World

  • The result, the work of more than 20 employees, was a 100-page report, more graphics than text, extolling the wonders of the world's emerging markets, among which none shone more brightly than China.

    ECONOMIST: Daimler-Benz

  • "The chairman has done the voice over IP industry wonders, " says Jeff Pulver, chief executive of Free World Dialup , a VoIP service provider which in February was the subject of one of Powell's salutary FCC rulings.

    FORBES: Post-Powell Depression

  • But even as the adventures of a bespectacled boy wizard have proven that the world still has an appetite for the written word, one wonders if Hodgman still sees a place for the publishing world he abandoned a decade or so ago to great success.

    ENGADGET: John Hodgman on the death of publishing and being a Mac trapped in a PC's body

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