• For those of you unfamiliar with Nate, he is a statistician who tracks the various voter polls.

    FORBES: Voter Polls And Investing Analysts: Bias Or Inaccurate?

  • Have you heard of the joke about a statistician who was drowned in a lake with an average depth of only 12 inches?

    FORBES: Speak Up! More Women Make Team Smarter

  • "If you do enough significance tests, you're going to see some things that are statistically significant, " said Richard Peto, a statistician at Oxford University.

    FORBES: Another Blow For Merck And Schering

  • Micah Hartman, a statistician who works for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, attributed this to more people substituting cheaper generic drugs for pricier patented ones.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "Everybody has been talking about this and doing it, " says Mr. Robin, a statistician who lives in the town of Beit Shemesh, which is populated by many descendants of Americans.

    WSJ: Citizenship via Grandparents

  • Tom Fleming, a statistician from the University of Washington, criticized the Adapt investigators for allowing awareness of efficacy data that should have only been available on a separate safety committee.

    FORBES: The Naproxen Risk That Wasn't

  • Sander Greenland, a statistician at the University of California, Los Angeles, says the data are "ambiguous" and can be spun either to argue for or against a risk of cancer death.

    FORBES: Another Storm Brewing For Vytorin

  • One intriguing explanation comes from Go Myong-hyun, a statistician at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies, which has just held a conference in Seoul on the viability of the North Korean regime.

    ECONOMIST: Food and stability in North Korea: Deprive and rule | The

  • Mr. Kupstov sent the city testimonials from colleagues at universities in the New York City area and London and emailed with a statistician at the Department of Education, according to copies reviewed by the Journal.

    WSJ: New York City Gifted-and-Talented Program's Math Is Questioned

  • As much of a gut-punch as it might have been for a statistician to miss such a big story right in his own backyard Ezekowitz says he has "no sense whatsoever" of regret about whiffing on his school's big win.

    WSJ: NCAA Tournament: Harvard Outsmarts Harvard

  • Thomas Fleming, a statistician at the University of Washington, has argued in the New England Journal that though this is true, analyzing the data in that way doesn't quell all concerns that Vytorin might somehow increase the rate of cancer death.

    FORBES: The Vytorin Saga

  • Prof Kevin McConway, a statistician at the Open University said, based on the findings, if Newcastle were to halve its current particulate air pollution level it would lead to two or three fewer low weight babies out of the total 3, 500 or so born in the city each year.

    BBC: Traffic fumes linked to lower birth weight

  • Dr. Vose, AstraZeneca's oncology chief, first heard the results when a company statistician called him at a sales meeting in Los Angeles.

    FORBES: Cover Story

  • "When you've tried everything, try Henry George, " says Joshua Vincent, a historian and statistician who runs a Georgist group called the Center for the Study of Economics in the house where Henry George was born in Philadelphia.

    WSJ: It's a Lonely Quest for Land-Tax Fans, But, by George, They Press On

  • In a "Perspective, " Stephen Lagakos, a Harvard statistician, examines the statistical conclusions made by the paper at length.

    FORBES: Key Vioxx Claim Withdrawn

  • Denny Way, a senior statistician at Pearson, said the method allowed the city to compare its own students with those considered gifted across the country.

    WSJ: New York City Gifted-and-Talented Program's Math Is Questioned

  • David Coon, a survey statistician at Census, said the bureau wants to keep its security plans closely guarded for fear of giving away too much information to potential hackers.

    CNN: Census Bureau will allow millions of citizens to file census forms online

  • His approach relies on a statistical technique invented in 1943 by a British statistician, Ronald Fisher, and now widely used by geologists and ecologists to estimate the diversity of populations (of, say, fossils or beetles).

    ECONOMIST: Statistics

  • Helen Parise, a Boston University statistician, argued at a session at the ACC meeting that because of the way that study was designed, it managed to show both that the valve was non-inferior and statistically inferior.

    FORBES: New Heart Valves Prove We're Living In The Future

  • However, the upward trend is unlikely to continue as the holiday effect fades and warmer weather starts to bolster food supplies, said Yu Qiumei, a senior statistician with the bureau, suggesting CPI growth will ease this month.

    FORBES: China Inflation Hits 10-Month High

  • If that step proves too technically difficult for the person who made the discovery, a mathematician or statistician can be added as a collaborator.

    WSJ: Great Scientists Don't Need Math

  • Thomas Fleming, a University of Washington statistician who was a prominent skeptic about the early approval of Iressa, spent much of he meaning working out exactly how the screening trials were designed.

    FORBES: The Great Drug Debate

  • In 2005, it ordered the demotion of a Justice Department statistician who merely put out some data that the White House found inconvenient.

    NPR: Looking at President Bush, Seeing an 'Impostor'

  • The paper, which Nissen and Topol wrote with Kathy Wolski, a Cleveland Clinic statistician, combines results from five clinical trials of Pargluva in which the drug was compared to either placebo or other diabetes drugs.

    FORBES: Bristol, Merck Drug May Double Heart Risk

  • Nate Silver is a badass, as much as any statistician can really be a badass.

    FORBES: Nate Silver: A Minimum Tax On The Wealthy Poses Implementation Problems

  • As for Harvard's shot of advancing Saturday against Arizona, this system that Ezekowitz uses for the rest of the tournament gives the Crimson a 28% chance which, to any statistician, foretells a loss.

    WSJ: NCAA Tournament: Harvard Outsmarts Harvard

  • The fact that we have four math majors and a full-time statistician means that we take that number crunching very seriously.

    FORBES: Better Dating Through Data

  • It came from Thomas Fleming, a University of Washington statistician who is one of the world's experts on understanding clinical trials.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Boies took special delight in his statistician, a Yale professor resembling Professor Irwin Corey, who pointed out that the undervote in counties that used punch cards was five times as high as that in counties that used other methods.

    CNN: Backstreet Boies

  • "It is possible that the Toumai fossil is more recent than previously thought, " said Nick Patterson, a senior research scientist and statistician at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and lead author on the Nature paper.

    BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Evolution's human and chimp twist

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