• When dealing with a volatile security issue, such as that presented by the DPRK, any successful long-term strategy must be supported by a tactically sound short-term plan.


  • During the programme, a short piece of audio featuring ambient sound of a particular location in the Greater Manchester area will be played and listeners will be invited to enter the competition by calling the number: 0161 228 2255.

    BBC: The Eavesdrop: Terms & Conditions

  • Does that sound like the thinking of a short-term activist shareholder as Loeb is characterized by some?

    FORBES: Give 'Superman' A Chance at Yahoo!

  • Only the 318 in question, however, are close enough to the Milky Way for the predicted galactic speed limit not to have been imposed (300m light years may sound a long way, but it is a short hop on the cosmic scale).

    ECONOMIST: Cosmic rays: They came from outer space | The

  • Dedicated to creating "inspirational ... films that offer compelling, positive messages, " Crusader's first film will be something called Sound of Thunder, based on a Ray Bradbury short story about a posse of big-game hunters who go back in time to chase dinosaurs and change history.

    FORBES: Morality Play

  • Analysts at Brown Brothers Harriman said what will be watched is that the International Monetary Fund may allow a plan to make short-term credit lines available to fundamentally sound countries and for discussions about developing nations kicking in more money to the IMF, which would be used to increase lending to Europe.

    FORBES: METALS OUTLOOK: Gold Seen Moving Higher Next Week

  • Strange as it may sound, short-lived ministries can innovate in a chosen area of governance and leave a lasting mark on the polity.

    BBC: Decline of India's political leviathans

  • Somewhere inside the sound and fury that have shrouded this project is a short, gross, and very funny series of sketches, lightly knotted together into a modern picaresque.

    NEWYORKER: Borat

  • In short, the QDR airlift decisions are neither sound strategically nor a wise use of the taxpayer's resources.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The QDR and strategic mobility

  • It was only a short burn lasting about 16 seconds, but it propelled SS2 beyond the sound barrier to a speed of Mach 1.2.

    BBC: Science correspondent, BBC News

  • Steve Shafer, chief investment officer at Covenant Global Investors, counts both JPMorgan and Wells Fargo among his holdings, but says he is less concerned about short-term data points like a single quarter of earnings than he is with sound management and a positive earnings trajectory over a longer period.

    FORBES: Earnings: Are Big Banks Like JPMorgan Ready To Rock, Or Roll Over?

  • Critics of for-profit education generally contend that the private sector is willing to sacrifice educational quality and the interests of the student in order to generate a short-term profit, an argument that Stanfield suggests is largely unsubstantiated by economic theory, empirical evidence or sound reasoning.

    FORBES: Harnessing the Profit Motive to Transform Education

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