• Team Philips is trying to find a company to salvage the catamaran, but it could be a costly exercise if unofficial salvage teams get there first.

    BBC: Catamaran crew reach dry land

  • He never fails to mention that the costly and risky salvage operation by a Dutch lifting company is a fulfilment of the promise Mr Putin gave to relatives of the crew members during an emotional meeting last August, where he pledged to retrieve the bodies of their loved ones, regardless of the cost.

    ECONOMIST: Russia's sunken submarine

  • An attempt to salvage the investment failed when shareholders won a lawsuit preventing Ackman from merging a real estate company with the bleeding golf course company.

    FORBES: William Ackman

  • However, if the stores still trust the company, it may be able to salvage itself by selling those stores a different product that makes their customers better off.

    FORBES: SavingStar Makes Paperless Coupons National

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