• "I think one critic said it sounded like a hamster in a blender, " McFadyen said.

    CNN: It's not cool to like RUSH. That's OK

  • Or, you can choose to keep working non-stop like a hamster running on a wheel that keeps going faster and faster.

    CNN: Take your vacation, or die?

  • If you want to make speakers from salad bowls, or make a hamster run from a BILLY bookcase click here.

    CNN: Your connections between Sweden and Malaysia

  • The easiest fix to being perpetually stuck on a hamster wheel is to saturate the corporate world with gender intelligent communication.

    FORBES: Women In Business And The Groundhog Day Syndrome

  • Often times here, we have superstars that remind me of a hamster on the treadmill and those are the guys that usually complain.

    WSJ: The Rock is ready to roll as WrestleMania nears

  • Feeling like a hamster on a wheel this holiday season?

    FORBES: Why Holiday Travel Makes You Dumb

  • They were able to do this by introducing a tiny number of fibres from a hamster prion into a mouse prion, creating a new prion strain.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | How BSE may have infected humans

  • You would need to upgrade Mr. Squiggles from a hamster to a pet Ox and sleep on him for 8 hours a day for a decade to simulate this negligible exposure.

    FORBES: Medialand

  • Instead, "we still have a factory-based model and mindset for the way we work - the more hours we put in the better, which creates a hamster wheel frenzy, " says Ian Price, author of Activity Illusion.

    BBC: Should people be off on Fridays?

  • We mixed martinis by headlamp and ate three different just-add-water camping meals from AlpineAire and Mountain House on a white tablecloth, followed by ice cream made fresh in a contraption that looks like a hamster ball.

    FORBES: Goes Camping on the Roof

  • Folks here are used to being treated by the media the way a hamster is treated by a preschool class -- those who like the little critter still tend to patronize him, and those who don't like him don't know the first thing about him.

    CNN: Express Line dispatch: On the bus in Iowa

  • Occasionally, one of these routines hits pay dirt (as when Whitney role-plays a naughty nurse, then makes her boyfriend fill out insurance forms), but most of the time it feels as if Whitney had torn out every article in Cosmopolitan, chewed them up like a hamster, and built a nest.

    NEWYORKER: Crass Warfare

  • For instance, every time a friend puts a picture of food up on Instagram, a little hamster feeder could dispense a flavorless pellet.

    FORBES: The Jacket That Hugs You Whenever You Receive a Facebook Like

  • Following the incident, Mr Richardson said public safety was never at risk, claiming that a pet hamster would have posed a greater threat of inflicting injuries than the escapee.

    BBC: Pup and mother Elara

  • Yes, it was as if an entire generation of Americans consented to hopping aboard a giant hamster wheel of accumulation, all striving toward the imaginary objective of acquiring enough stuff and a pot of money big enough to sustain a comfortable level of consumption through to the grave.

    FORBES: Less: The New More

  • The motives of anyone who purchases a six-foot hamster or a mechanical seagull built from kitchen utensils can only be guessed at.

    ECONOMIST: Millennium Dome

  • His past activities have included a week in a box suspended by a crane and running in a giant human hamster wheel.

    BBC: Stuart Kettell on stilts

  • And in one of the most unusual stories to flash across our screens this week, a man built a huge floating hamster wheel and used it to walk 66 miles across the Irish Sea.

    ENGADGET: Inhabitat's Week in Green: Bicymple, computer-age fossils and an underground mushroom tunnel

  • In the film the comic goes on a road-trip to the resort after he learns his hamster has only a week to live.

    BBC: Harry Hill

  • After a while you become the hamster running on the treadmill.


  • And when you are bored (and believe me you soon will be) by that hamster ditty there's even a site to make it go away.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Asia Buzz: Great Balls of Fur

  • He inserted the human form of this gene into hamster ovary cells, which then churned out a genetically engineered version of the hormone.

    FORBES: Biotech Behemoth

  • Some 20 million pairs of eyeballs have glommed on to the site this year, and logged off with the hamster song rattling away in their brain like a bad Boney M song.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Asia Buzz: Great Balls of Fur

  • Joining the staggeringly-long list of lava lamps, seat coolers, deco lights, and other curious adornments, the USB hamster wheel is yet another incredibly novel way to make a spare USB port feel appreciated.

    ENGADGET: The USB-powered hamster wheel

  • While Davis took off his shoes and set them in the plastic shoe racks at the base of the giant coiling hamster maze that commanded the front of the restaurant, Lucy sat down beneath a signed poster of the crew of STS-95 an ancient John Glenn among them and dialed the number of Dr. Trimble's office from memory.

    NPR: In 'Challenger Park,' Mom Is an Astronaut

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