• Such familiar figures as a messed-up clown (John Malkovich) and a hyper-rational man of science (Donald Pleasence) either suffer the torments of love or try to find the root of evil.

    NEWYORKER: Shadows and Fog

  • For one of the sources of the Fascist movement is the desire to avoid a too- rational and too- comfortable world.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'All Art Is Propaganda'

  • Rand offered us a way out -- to fight for a morality of rational self-interest, and for capitalism, the system which is its expression.

    WSJ: Is Rand Relevant?

  • The unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon -- which was a failure on every rational level -- was a strategy concocted and championed for the better part of a decade by Yediot and its media colleagues at Israel Radio.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Hizbullah's media champions

  • Likewise in the Balkans--Serbian officials appear to be moving toward a rule of law and a rational, low-tax regime.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Which leads to the question: How would one resolve Hollingsworth using a rational-basis test?

    WSJ: Best of the Web Today: Maybe Scalia Was Wrong

  • The best is no doubt the call for a cool-headed approach, a rational debate and the opening of negotiations with Britain's partners.

    BBC: EU viewpoints on Cameron's Europe speech

  • Believing one has the answer, whether or not such belief is justified, re-establishes a basic trust that we live in a just, rational-enough world.

    FORBES: Newtown: Why Healing Should Still Trump Policy

  • The variables are nearly infinite and therefore, relying on predictions is not a rational decision-making method.

    FORBES: Separating Prediction From Fact

  • Add to this mix the change in the world of work, where, instead of a 40 hour work week in the USA and a more rational 32-35 hour work week in the much of the EU, the dot.com techies are working 60-80 hours a week, with little or no time scheduled for physical recreation or broader social, cultural, or political activities or involvement.

    BBC: School PE lesson

  • Yet speech codes persist in large part because university general counsels, often far more worried about the expense and bad press of a harassment lawsuit than the comparatively rare and inexpensive free speech lawsuit, have deemed it rational from a cost-benefit standpoint to censor.

    FORBES: Speech Codes: The Biggest Scandal On College Campuses Today

  • This is not the fight of a die-hard, it is the wholly rational fight of a relatively small insurgency which sees warfare as the only way their communal rights can be respected.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Myth of the Sunni Diehard

  • The tone of the document implies that a rational, long-term planning mechanism is in place.

    BBC: Africa

  • As a rational, liberal-minded sort of bloke, he considers the English class structure to be a piece of antiquated and retrogressive nonsense.

    ECONOMIST: English snobbery

  • When conservative intellectuals like David Frum and Ramesh Ponuru have tried to nudge conservatives in a more rational and empirically-grounded direction, the conservative grassroots has tended to dismiss them as sellouts rather than taking their arguments seriously.

    FORBES: Internet Austrianism and the Need for Conservative Expertise

  • The goal of modern liberalism was the rational state, a state that completed the long-standing attempt at the rational control of nature and human life that began with Machiavelli and culminated with Hegel.

    ECONOMIST: Anatomy of defeat

  • Two centuries before Rand arrived on the scene, Adam Smith had already written The Wealth of Nations, a powerful treatise demonstrating why self-interest offers a more secure foundation for a rational society than a selfless dedication to the common good.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Then again, if those rates are going up anyway either because we go off the cliff or because Mr. Obama maneuvers them into a panicked, last-minute deal the rational GOP response is to instead choose a deliberate course that mitigates its own political damage, and lands some blows.

    WSJ: Strassel: Obama's Famous Tax 'Victory'

  • And this leads to the second false premise of Internet dating: that choosing a mate should be a rational choice, in which people carefully comparison-shop for partners.

    WSJ: Jonah Lehrer on Eharmony.com, Chemistry.com and Other Dating Services | Head Case

  • What about a political vision in which the individual is respected as a separate, rational, self-responsible person who finds value voluntarily choosing (or not) to engage with others personally, culturally, or commercially?

    FORBES: Party Conventions Pit The Vision Of Reagan Versus The Whining Of Carter

  • "Now is the time for us as a country, as a nation, as a world, to address these (issues) in a systematic way -- not too hastily, but in a calm, reasoned, rational, balanced way, " Frist said.

    CNN: Senate weighs ethical implications

  • To continue to develop, China's private companies need, above all, rational banks and a well-functioning stockmarket.

    ECONOMIST: Private businesses are China's great hope for the future

  • Each is engaged in a collectively self-defeating, yet individually rational, attempt to take rent from the other.

    ECONOMIST: Divide and rule

  • It's a rhetorical question, but under rational-basis analysis it's easily answered: Providing benefits to homosexual couples costs the taxpayers money.

    WSJ: Best of the Web Today: Maybe Scalia Was Wrong

  • These kinds of explanations come very naturally to most economists, whose models are usually built on the assumption that economic decision-makers are responding in a rational way to the incentives they face.

    FORBES: Don��t Follow The Money: The Hunt for the Roots of the Global Financial Crisis

  • The only committee hearing is of the special committee doing scrutiny of the Draft Care and Support Bill (at 9.45am) - the bill to create a rational system for social care for the elderly and disabled.

    BBC: Week ahead in committees

  • The looming sequester, which would slash spending across the government, was created by both parties, after the failure of the Grand Bargain, in 2011, as a purposely odious policy, in order to force the two sides to reach a more rational plan to reduce long-term deficits.

    NEWYORKER: The House of Pain

  • Will we be sufficiently clear-eyed and rational to take a similarly bold action to avoid disaster wrought by our dysfunctional health care system?

    CNN: U.S. manages disease, not health

  • Most market experts would agree that the equity markets, with correlations amongst stocks at all-time highs, are a lot less rational these days.

    FORBES: Most Dangerous Stocks In December Include REITs, Financials

  • We don't, at the moment, have a rational reimbursement structure for health care--you may pay more for a procedure at one location and the quality of care may not be higher.

    FORBES: Leslie V. Norwalk

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